{Chapter 9}

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Mia rubbed her sleepy eyes as she shuffled to the dining table and slumped down in a chair. Aunt Ruby looked up at her in disgust as Mia scratched her face.


"Close your mouth, you beast. Stop spraying your germs on my food," Aunt Ruby snapped angrily and sipped her martini.

"Ok...aay," Mia yawned again but remembered to cover her mouth.

"Your parents didn't teach you any manners, eh?,"she wiped her lips delicately.

"My parents didn't even talk to me-". Mia started.

"Yeah whatever, quit the crap,"she leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes."Maids, I'm done eating. Take this all away," she shouted as women clad in aprons scurried over to clear the plates.

"But I haven't even started yet" Mia asked, confused.

"What can I do? Not my problem," her Aunt grinned like a Cheshire cat and stood up.

"But..but," Mia sputtered and stood up as the plates were taken away.

"Oh but I couldn't let my dear, lovely Mia go hungry, can I?," she sneered,"Maid! Get this..this... never mind, get her some food," she gave special emphasis on the word food.

What is the difference between food and food?

The maid scurried away as her Aunt grinned coyly. A few minutes later she returned with a steel plate.

"Hungry aren't ya? Eat this, you won't ever be hungry again," Aunt Ruby chuckled as the maid pushed the plate towards Mia.

Mia looked at the plate and almost gagged, horrified,"What..what is this?!," she cupped her mouth, feeling nauseous.

"Food, eat!," her Aunt scrunched up her nose at the smell rising up from the plate.
Mia looked at the plate once again, there was a small sandwich made up of mouldy, green bread, a few strips of lanky lettuce and a single slice of spoilt ham.

"No thanks, not hungry anymore," Mia gagged again as she felt bile rise up her throat and started to get up.

'Oh no love, you have to eat this!,"Aunt Ruby screamed and pushed Mia back in her chair.

"But I don't want to," Mia felt tears come in her eyes.

"Girl you should be glad you haven't seen my strict side yet, EAT or else..", she threatened."NOW!" she roared and terrified of her wrath, Mia closed her eyes and shovelled the sandwich in her mouth as tears fell down her cheeks.

"That's a good girl now," her Aunt crooned, stroking her head as Mia took another bite and felt the disgusting food slide down her throat when suddenly her stomach lurched and she spat out the food, rushing to the bathroom. She could still hear her Aunt laughing manically as she squeezed her eyes shut, washing her mouth with water multiple times to remove the foul taste.

She took a long breath, splashed cold water on her face and stood up to look in the mirror. Her tearstained face stared longingly out at her.

I feel like I'm trapped in this world, with nowhere to go, no-one to be with. I wish I could just leave this world.

She sighed and went to her room. Resting on her side table, Mia saw a tray with fresh fruits and juice.


Mia smiled gratefully and and picked up the knife to cut the apples. A few minutes later, everything was gone from the plate. Mia gulped down the juice and put down the knife.

I hate my life, I hate my life, I just want to end..

Her eyes drifted to the sharp knife, gleaming on the tray. She closed her eyes as dark thoughts of revenge clouded her brain.

How can I? She's a freaking forecaster. She'll know everything.

Then she looked at her own fragile wrist and the knife. She picked up the knife with trembling fingers as a tear slipped down her cheek.

What's the point of living when nobody loves me?

She gazed at Ivory sadly and the thought of  leaving her behind but nothing could stop her now.

I wanted  to go to another world, why not the afterworld?

She inhaled sharply and put the knife on her vein, she gasped as a sharp pain went up her arm and a trickle of blood ebbed down the cut.

Without further thinking, she pressed the knife deeper.

Mia's wish to go to another will be fulfilled...but not this way.

A/N: Hehe, suspense.

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