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before you read,

Abigale isn't what you call pretty, or bright. She's average, with the below average schooling . Abi gets bullied for her nerdy appearance, and her high B's. She's the school loser, with one friend, who she loves. Love loves. Only trouble is he lives two hours away and has no idea about the bullying.

What happens if he moves to her town?

Will they remain just friends?

Or will the popular cliché be too good for Nick to resist?

Interested to find out? I guess you'll just have to read.

I'm Abigale-Grace Dorson and this is my story about friendship, kindness and self love.


Hey, I'm the author, I just wanted to say a big thank you for choosing this book to read. I'm from Australia, so the way I spell things might be different.

Where are you from?

I just wanted to say I will not allow stealing, translating or copying of any form. Why would you want to type all of this word for word out I mean it's not that good. However It is ILLEGAL and I WILL find out. If anyone is seen copying this book, please let me know immediately and report it. Just know that if is stealing caught it will be reported, and you will lose your account and you can be charged. I WILL take you to court! No hate comments or spoilers but constructive feedback will be helpful. If you don't like it don't read it.

Please don't be a silent reader and please like, comment, share and follow me. I am not a fantastic author so likes will make me feel better about my work.

Now I'm finished my rant you may go onto the story.


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