Baekhyun was surprised again that Kris knew about such trivial stuff.  He was starting to see Kris in a different light.  When he was young, he never really liked Kris but he didn't dislike him either.  He was pretty much okay with Suho having some sort of relationship with Kris.  It was only when he found out about Kris being a werewolf a few days ago that he hated Kris.  He used to think about werewolves being all bad, but he had met Kai and Chanyeol and they seem like good guys.  Now, he is starting to think that maybe Kris is a good guy too, but there's still the fact that he used to be a spy and a traitor within the society.

You're thinking aloud in your thoughts.  Kris and I can basically hear everything.

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol's with wide eyes.  Chanyeol was eating and not speaking with his mouth.  He was embarassed.

We'll teach you some mind blocking technique.  It wouldn't be good if you accidentally send your thoughts to some strange werewolves.  This time, it was Kris sending his thoughts to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun nodded as he tried to clear his mind and just enjoy his breakfast.


"It feels kind of strange that it's only the two of us eating breakfast together."  Sehun said which earned him a pointed look from Luhan.  "It's a nice kind of strange."  He quickly added.

Luhan rolled his eyes.  "No more bubble tea for you."

Sehun gasped.  "B-b-but... I only meant that I was used to eating breakfast together with a lot of the other members with a very long dining table with a lot of noise a-and... I like the the peaceful breakfast that I'm currently having with just you."  He ended his explanation with a blush.

With Sehun being adorable like this, Luhan couldn't stop himself from leaning forward to kiss the other.  Sehun currently tastes like strawberry because of the toasted bread with strawberry jam that he ate for breakfast.

"That's another reason why I like having a strange but nice breakfast with just you."  Sehun grinned as they pulled apart from the kiss.  The RRHS members all knew that Luhan and Sehun were very close.  They just didn't know that Luhan and Sehun already crossed the boundaries of friendship with a few stolen kisses hidden from their sight which means they've never shared a kiss during breakfast.

"I'm afraid at how things seem to be so good to be true right now that something bad might happen next."  Luhan couldn't help but express his worries.

"You should think that a lot of bad things already happened which is why something good finally happened." Sehun shared his optimistic side to the other and kissed Luhan's worries away.


Back in the RRHS hideout, Kyungsoo also delivered Kai's breakfast.  Instead of the usual good morning greeting from Kai, he saw that Kai was currently sitting on the bed with his hands gripping tightly on the edge of the bed.  He was breathing with short and fast breaths.  Some sweat rolled down the side of his face.  His entire body was shaking.

Kyungsoo placed the breakfast tray on the side table and knelt down in front of Kai.  He was about to reach out to wipe the sweat on Kai's face but paused when he noticed how Kai was looking at him with needy eyes.  

"You smell so good."  Kai's voice was shaky as well.  "You should stay away from me."  When Kyungsoo didn't move, Kai growled angrily.  "I said stay away from me!!!"

Kyungsoo remained firmly where he was.  "I want you to give me another reason to hate you."  He simply stated which practically meant he gave Kai permission to rape him... though that wouldn't exactly be called rape anymore, but there's no way he'd like having sex with a werewolf, right?  It'll just give him another reason to hate werewolves and especially, to hate Kai because he really didn't like the fact that he was starting to have a soft spot towards their werewolf prisoner.

Kai grabbed the front of Kyungsoo's shirt, but unlike what Kyungsoo expected, Kai used a lot of force to push Kyungsoo away from him.  Kyungsoo made a short shout of pain and surprise as his back collided on the wall.  However, Kyungsoo remained stubborn and approached Kai again after he recovered from the attack.

"Kyungsoo... don't..." Kai gripped on the bedsheets tighter as he dared not to move when Kyungsoo knelt between his legs and pressed their bodies closely.  Kyungsoo's face was very close to his, but they aren't exactly kissing...yet.

Kyungsoo waited for Kai to close the small gap between their lips.  He was surprised at Kai's self control as 5 minutes passed by.  "My knees are starting to hurt."  Kyungsoo commented.

"Then stand up and walk away."  Kai hissed.  "Stop teasing me like this."

"You want me.  I gave  you permission.  What the hell is your problem?"

"Your virginity."

"Don't werewolves like virgins?"

"Well, yeah but... I don't want to take yours, especially since you're saving it for someone you really like.  I'm really not that much of a bad guy which you try to make me out to be, so you better start looking for other reasons to hate me because I am not going to rape you no matter what."

Kyungsoo suddenly injected Kai's arm with a tranquilizer.  Kai fell unconsciously on his bed which temporarily ended his pain from being sexually frustrated.  He realized that what he felt for Kai was no longer hatred, but just pure annoyance at how the other was so much of a good guy.  "I give up.  I can't hate you any longer."


In another part of the city, someone was also having breakfast with his pet wolf.

"Hyung, don't just drink coffee.  Eat something."

"I'll only eat breakfast if you manage to learn how to cook properly and..."  The older glanced at the other for a few seconds before returning to newspaper.  "...and when you learn how to transform into human form properly.  You can't seem to get rid of your wolf ears and tail."

~*~*~*~*~*~* To be continued

A/N:  The two (or just one) mysterious character(s) showed up again.  Hehehe.  I didn't update for quite some time, so I tried to my best to make this chapter longer and so far, this is the longest chapter I've written for this fic.  Lot of things happening in just one morning in this fic XD  It kind of reminds me of how Dragon Ball's battle lasted for many episodes XD

Comment please? ^^

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