She kept walking until she heard a loud caw and looked to see a huge winged creature in the sky.

She got a better look and knew exactly what was in the sky, she had read about them in many creature books.

It was a thunderbird. It was an enormous winged bird that was given the abilities to create storms as it flies. She watched it as it began to struggle to fly, Lightning was surrounding the bird as it struggled to flap its wings.

It looked like it was holding something in its claws as it continued to fly. She looked at the trail one last time and abandoned it once seeing the thunderbird coming to the ground quickly. Lillian ran up the hill and watched the thunderbird gracefully fall on the damp grass. Lillian tried not to fall and began to get closer and as she reached the creature she watched as it screeched at her. Lillian stepped back and held her hands up.

"Shh, shh, it alright. I'm not gonna hurt you." Lillian told the creature and watched as it tried to move but made a screech of pain, Lillian approached it slowly and saw bloody scratches on its wings and a broken chain around its ankle.

"Poachers." Lillian said as she looked at the Thunderbird's condition, she came close and touched the broken chain.

It screeched and tried to kick Lillian but luckily she got out of the way before it could scratch her. She knew there was one way to get the chain off and she grabbed her wand out.

"Alohomora." She said pointing her wand at the chain and unlocking it. "Let's hope I don't get into huge trouble for that."

The thunderbird feels the chain off their ankle and looks at Lillian and seeing that Lillian eyes held only sympathy and concern. The thunderbird could see that she was no threat and nodded to Lillian in appreciation .

Seeing that Lillian has helped the thunderbird it releases the bag in its claw and revealed an egg. Lillian looks at the thunderbird and touches it's head gently. The thunderbird breathed heavily and in Lillian's heart knew she couldn't heal it.

She took the egg gently and held it close to herself, and let out a few tears as the rain continued to pour.

"Is it yours?" She asked the thunderbird and it nodded. The thunderbird then began to breathe heavily and Lillian began to pet their head.

"I promise I'll take care of your baby, I promise." Lillian said and put her hand up to the thunderbird's head and it leaned it's head forward and touched Lillian's hand.

It made a small caw in response and the thunderbird closed it's eyes and it fell to the side and it was no longer breathing. Lillian looked at the egg and touched it gently.

"It's okay, I'm gonna be your new mommy. I promise you'll hatch." Lillian said. "Oh god, how am I gonna explain this."

She looked at the thunderbird one last time and began to walk away, she knew she had to get some help to bury the thunderbird, if she left it there than someone would find it and either stuff it or sell it. So had to go back to the loop, she got up from the ground and held the egg gently as the rain began to die down and she enter the cave and hoping the egg would be okay.

She walked along the trail to the house lucky that the sun was still shining. She went up to the house and opened the door, she looked around to see if Miss Peregrine was anywhere and she went up the stairs quickly into her and Emma's room.

She grabbed a couple of blankets and placed them around the egg on her bed. She then grabbed a lamp and hoped it would give it enough warmth for now. Newt got out of Lillian's pocket and touched the egg as Jewel looked at the egg curiously.

Peculiar Witch • Fred Weasley • REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now