"No. Not now. But I'll let you wear it at night. So Ashton since I'm not going to school today, choose a movie and I'll get some popcorns." Luke got up but Ashton stopped him.

"Maybe it's better that you choose the movie." Ashton smiled while remembering the last time Luke tried to make popcorns.

"Don't worry. I have packed popcorns since you know the last time." Luke laughed awkwardly.

"Oh okay then." Ashton got up too and went to the shelf where Luke and his dad kept their films. He didn't really had a certain thing on his mind and he'd probably fall asleep while watching. So he chose so,etching without looking. And went to the couch again. He was feeling weird. He didn't felt dizzy but everytime he walked he tripped on air and nearly fell.

Luke came with popcorns in his hand.

"Turn up to party." He shouted and jumped on the couch made Ashton laugh.

"What did you choose?" Luke asked.

" I don't know." Ashton shrugged.

"Well we will see then." Luke handed Ashton some popcorn.

They were watching the movie and Ashton started to shaking his lips were like purple.

"Luke, he gulped even talking was so hard at that moment for Ashton, i-it's too cold." Luke opened his arms and pulled Ashton in his arms. Ashton immediately fell asleep in Luke's arms. Luke kept watching the movie until he heard the door opening and closing.

"Hey Luke, Calum walked in smiling, I came here to give you th- what the hell?" His smiled disappeared when he saw Ashton nearly naked and sleeping in Luke's arms.

"What are you doing here?" Luke asked like it was normal. It was normal for Luke actually he didn't care Ashton was his best friend.

"I called you and said that I was gonna drop by to give this." Calum threw Luke's ipod on the ground. Luke first looked at his ipod and Calum.

"You called me?" Luke was half asleep of course he didn't remember. Calum was getting mad.

"And you told me that we can watch movies." He said a in a high tone.

"I said what?" Luke said. He didn't believe he said that. He would never invite Calum to watch a movie. Calum was angry and sad at the same time. Luke tried to get away from Ashton with waking him up.

"Whatever." He turned around and started to walk. But he was extremely sad.

"No wait. Calum." Luke shouted. But Calum didn't stopped until Luke grabbed his arm.

"What do you want Hemmings?" Calum shouted. Luke let go of Calum's hand and stepped back.

"I-if you still want we can still watch a movie." Calum looked at Luke. Luke was looking down.

"I'm sorry, he was sick and I had to took his clothes off. Then he got really cold like his lips were purple and.." Luke stopped for a moment. Why was he telling those to Calum? He didn't care anyways but Luke didn't want him to get the idea in wrong way. He looked up to see Calum's face but took a step back because Calum was looking pretty pissed. Calum was feeling so much feelings at that moment. He was angry, disappointed and jealous? He wasn't sure of being jealous. He just wanted to go away from Luke.

"I'm sorry. I guess you called when I was sleeping and I can talk in my sleep sometimes. You know there's a movie still playing me and Ashton were watc-" Calum cut him off. He had enough. He didn't want to do anything with Ashton. He came here for Luke not Ashton.

"Listen I didn't come here to watch you and your little sick boyfriend cuddling. Now-" this time Luke was the who was angry.

"Wait a minute there. Ashton isn't my boyfriend. If you don't know what friendship means here's the door. I don't have anything to do with you. He's my friend and I have to take care of him. Because that's what friends for. I'm sorry that you don't have any friends to understand that." Luke walked towards to Calum. Of course Calum wasn't afraid but he didn't know a boy could break his heart into little pieces like that. Calum was really angry he wanted to punch Luke and tear his pretty face apart. But he couldn't do that. So he made his hands into fists and punched the wall causing Luke screaming and jumping. Luke understood that he went a little hard again.

"I'm sorry." Luke mumbled. Calum punched the wall once again, he got out and shut the door behind him harshly. Luke just stand there looking at the holes in the wall until Ashton came.

"What happened?" Luke didn't say anything he just went to the living room and picked his ipod up where Calum threw. He opened his ipod and saw new songs and smiled.

"Ashton you can start to movie I'll be upstairs." Ashton nodded.

Luke was curious about Calum's music taste. He climbed the stair to find his earbuds. When he found them he started to play the playlist which Calum created and a wide smile appeared on his face. He loved the songs.

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