Episode 8: Blood, Truth and Tears PART 1

Start from the beginning

Frisk thoughts went suddenly away, when he noticed that Betty was trying to open her eyes.

After a few seconds, Betty opened completely her eyes, looking around her.

Soon her look met Frisk's, and they smiled each other.

Frisk: "Hi......Betty"

Betty: "Hi......you must be...Frisk"

Frisk: "Yes......nice to meet you, well......again"

Betty: "Me too......"

Soon they laughed softly, after that Frisk looked the ground, a little bit sadly.

Frisk: "Listen...... I know you're a good person......and that you have suffer a lot, but......could you please tell me how this mess started?"

Betty: "Ok...... I guess I have to start from the beginning..."

Betty started tell Frisk about her past (if you didn't read it, it's the Episode 4: The Betrayal), and when she finished Frisk was shocked.

Frisk: "......wow, I never though you could be so..."

Betty: "Human?"

Frisk: "......yes, I mean no..."

Betty: "Don't worry, I'm not offended."

Frisk: "...It's just......I didn't want to be rude."

Betty: "...how about Darko? Where is he?"

Frisk: "We were ready to fight, but he decided to let us go..."

Betty: "You have to pay attention to him Frisk: he's probably using this time to planning something."

While they were talking, the nurse comes in Betty's room.

Nurse: "Good afternoon! How do you feel?"

Betty: "Fine thanks!"

Nurse: "I've talk with Doctor Gaster and Alphys, tomorrow you're going with them."

Frisk explained: "I've talk with the others, and we decided that you coming to help us...... if you want."

Betty: "Oh...Ok."

The Nurse asked Betty: "Did you already thanked him?!"

Betty: "Thanked him?"

Nurse: "Without his help, you would be dead."

Betty blushed, then the nurse went away.

Betty: "Why did you save me?"

Frisk: "Well...... you saved mine... I just returned the favour."

Betty: "...even after everything I've done?"

Frisk looked Betty in her eyes, but she hid her face; then he hugged Betty.

Frisk: "Don't blame yourself for what happened, it wasn't your fault!"

Betty: "But......but I could prevent it, I could stop him from doing this......and I didn't..."

Frisk: "If you would have tried, you would be dead... and..."

Frisk: "...and don't want you to die Betty."

After those words, Betty blushed a lot: finally someone who truly care about her.


In another room of the hospital there was Toriel, awake but dizzy after get knocked out by Darko, looking the ceiling thinking about Darko's words.

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