"Yes, Auntie?"

"I need your opinion on something."

Noor sat straight seeing the serious yet excited look on Saliha's face. She glanced at Abeer who just shrugged her shoulders indicating she also had no clue what was to happen.

"I think it's time we start thinking about Rohail's marriage."

Noor raised an eye brow.

"That's a good idea but do you have anyone in your mind?"

'Actually, I do."

"And who's that?"

Saliha smiled fondly and whispered.


Both Noor and Abeer looked shocked. Zirwa and Rohail? The two people who had argued more times in their time together than Noor could count on her fingers? The two people who were for each other's necks the moment they met. Being an optimist was good but Saliha was overdoing it.

"Aunti...Are you sure? I don't mean to be rude but don't you think they both are always ...always.."

"Out for each other's blood. To kill each other with their bare hands. That's what she wants to say, Mom. And where is the lie? You surely need a reality check."

Abeer completed for Noor making her sigh. This was what she wanted to say. Thank you, Abeer.

"Now, now. It's not that bad."

"Mom, they can't stand each other."

"They couldn't stand each other but lately there has been a change."

"Now they want to kill each other?"

Abeer asked confused making Saliha throw a sharp look in her way.

"Now they are spending time with each other. Meeting occasionally. I know. And Rameen also knows. That's why we came up with this idea. We think this is the best thing that can happen to our friendship. Her daughter in my house as my daughter. How amazing that would be? Also Zirwa is perfect. She's Noor's best friend which is also a plus point and I don't know about you, Abeer but I have seen the connection they have. Rohail and Zirwa. I think this should happen."

Noor pondered upon Saliha's words. Was there really more to what they all were used to seeing when it came to Rohail and Zirwa. Noor couldn't deny the possibility. Anything could happen. If Rayyan and she could, any relationship was possible.

"Have you talked to Rohail?"

Noor had asked hoping to know more.

"I haven't yet. That's what I wanted to have your opinion about. Should I?"

"If you think that there's something going on and you want it to happen then there's nothing wrong in asking him. He might tell you if this can go further or not which would be a good thing."


Saliha was looking all more hopeful knowing he had someone else's view about this as well.

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