Chapter 12: Lets Get Started

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     Students start to shuffle into the classroom between the bells. It was the last class of the day. After this, I would be heading back to Steins house and hopefully avoid anymore akward situations with the doctor. I break myself from my thoughts and look through the seats. All but one student was present. I remembered most of the students after reading their assignments and their their profile through the DWMA. 

      I studied many of their wavelengths while we waited for the bell. Some were strong, some weak. Each soul had a slightly different ripple and vibration to their soul. One specific wavelength caught my attention. I zeroed in on the one student. The soul was strong and steady, but with a hint of uncertainty. The soul of a student with massive potential. A small waver of nervousness, or unsettleness made it's appearence in the students soul. 

      The soul belonged to Maka. I watched as she whispered with Tsubaki while nervously looking at me. Maka had a stern yet worried look on her face while the two whispered. Tsubaki's eyes widened and she looked at Maka with a concerned look. Well, more concerned than usual. 

      After watching the conversation between Stein and Maka yesterday, I had no doubt that she was speaking about me. Most likely filling Tsubaki in on the uneasiness of my soul. The bell rings and breaks me from watching the two girls. 

    I clear my thought to bring all of the students attention to me. "Ok everyone. Lets get started, Ok?" I stood and walked in front my desk. The sea of students in front of me quieted down and looked at me. "So todays lesson is a fairly elementary topic. Before I dive into that, answer this. Why do you have the partner you have?" I question and sit on the front of my desk waiting for a hand to raise. 

      A few seconds pass before anyone moves. A hesitant hand raises and I nod at the student. "We choose them based off of their personalities?" the boys answer was more in the form of a question. 

     "Well you aren't wrong, but also aren't right." I state. "Any other takers?" I motion my hand to the rest of the students as they advert their eyes to their desks. "Well ok then. I guess I will answer. Each and everyone of you has a unique and different wavelength." I state and point at all of the students. "Just like a science experiment. Some chemicals react well together, some are neutral, and some cause an explosion. Make sense?" the students nod. "Now, I need 3 misters, and 3 weapons from different partnerships." I spread my hands and no students make am move. "Well I guess I will pick then. All misters raise your hands." the hands shoot up and I point out 3. Black Star, Oxford, and Kilik. The three students make their way up front and stand to the side. "Ok, now all weapons hands up!" the weapons hands lift and I look through all of the faces. I then point to three students, Soul, Liz, and Jacqueline. These three stand and come down to the floor with the three meisters. 

       "As you all know, these three meisters and these three weapons are not a partnership." I motion for the two groups of students standing next to me to gather closer. "These students are about to pair up with another partner. We will test soul resonance and other moves. Ok Ox, you and Liz. Soul and Black Star, and Kilik with Jacqueline." the students nod and get into their groups. "Now, weapons transform." I commend and the students do as I ask. Liz transformed into her pistol form, Soul into his scythe, and Jacqueline into a demon lamp. The Meisters hold the weapons in a defensive stance and await their next instruction. 

    "In stead of fighting agaisnt each other, you all will be trying to attack me. Organize yourselfs and create a strategy to beat me." I cross my arms over eachother and wait for the impromtu partnerships to begin their attacks. 

    As I assumed, Blackstar and Soul were the first to attack. The lack of stelth as the Black Star launched themselves at me was comical. After anouncing that they would be the pair to take me down, the duo recites in uniosion 'Soul Resonance.' I focus my vision on their wavelengths. Two dominant and strong figters with powerful souls trying to intermingle and share power. The two souls clashed at the attempt to share wavelength. Black Stars soul attempted to over take Souls' while his stood strong agaisnt the barating resonance. The pairs voice echoed louder as their voices rose with the struggle to resonate. 

    With out faltering my stance and lift one finger using my soul force to block the attack. The pairs uneven soul wavelenghtls waver at my defence and the attack fails. Black Stars shoes screach against the tile floor as he slides away from me. 

    "THAT ISN'T POSSIBLE! NOBODY CAN HANDLE AN ATTACK FROM BL-" Black Star starts his ramble but is cut short by me raising my hand higher and my soul pushing me further towards the wall. 

    "As you can see, the combined wavelength of these two is only a fraction of the power of a real team." I direct my attention to the three pairs tanding infront of me. "Do we need to continue or do you all understand?" The meisters look amungst themselves and nod. "Alright, please return to your seats." The weapons morph back into their human forms and make their way to their seats.

    I make my way to the chalk board and start writing out a few diagrams on the board. "As you know, when a weapon becomes Lord Deaths' weapon, they must be able to match his, and any other meisters wave length." I pause and turn to look at the students to scrambled to recreate the diagrams in their notes. Pointing at differnt parts of the board I explain in depth what each part means.

   "Does anyone have any questions?" A couple moments go by of the students staring at me before Maka raised her hand. I glance down at the chart of students before calling on her. "Yes Maka?"

    "So how does a meister and weapon get to that level?" She questions and cocks her head to the side.

    I clap my hands together and smile. "Good question. As all of you know, you have to help your weapon consume 99 human souls and one witch soul. That isn't just how you become a Death weapon. Realistically, a weapon can comsume any amount of souls and be weilded by Lord Death himself, but to ensure the utmost power and safety for both meister and weapon, the rule of 100 souls was established. To get those 100 souls, a meister and weapon have to go on many missions. These missions span from easy to difficult. Some missions having more than one soul to collect. As a pair starts their work, they are matched to easier missions and the diffculty will increase with each misson. As you complete many more missions and continue your education at the DWMA, you will learn more skills and will eventually be able to match a wavelength with anyone. Does that answer your question?" I finish my ramble and Maka nods in resposne while the rest of the class writes down what I said. 

      The bell rings signally the end of the class. The students rush to shove this and that into their back packs. 

    "Alright, before next class, I want you all to write a short paragraph about what you think makes you and your weapon or meister the most compatable. This is a short team assignment, so no need to stress too much over it. Enjoy the rest of your day!" I call out over the hustle of the students. They all quickly filed out of the classroom leaving me alone. I leaned back agaisnt the dest and sighed. First class period done. 

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