15: Already Found The One...Twice

Depuis le début

"So this will be your first time?" Ashton asked smirking.

"You’re really funny; yes it will be my first time...at the shooting range."

"Sure, it's not your first time for anything else?"

"You will never know, keep dreaming."

"I might find out." Ashton said very low.

Finally, we arrived at the shooting range. Ashton got us a private booth with security, because both of us would someday lead two countries and he got us two guns. He told me what they are called but I can never remember things like that. Ashton stood behind me and taught me how to shoot it. He was very close, so close I could smell his after-shave. It was nice feeling to have his arms wrapped around me and holding me against him. His chest was hard as a rock but still inviting, it was as if I molded to him perfectly. He shot off the gun in my hand and shocked me. 

"Sorry did I scare you?"

"No, I am fine, can I try now?" I asked, I could barely concentrate with his arms around me and his breathe blowing on my shoulder. 

He stepped back and allowed me to fire ten around off. When the poster came back, I had only gotten three on the person, pathetic. Then Ashton had his chance. I stood back and watched him grip the gun. His muscles flexed under the thin t-shirt and his face was relaxed and focus. Ashton was in the zone, and he looked sexy as hell. He shot off ten continuous rounds. When his poster came back, there was a giant hole right in the middle of eyes. I finally understood that he got all ten rounds in one place.

"Oh, wow your good at this."

"Yeah, thanks I have been going to the range for about eight years. Great way to blow off steam."

"Yup, so what's next on your master plan?"

"Go-karts," Ashton said smiling like a little kid. Therefore, off we went to the go-karts.

"We each got in our own; Ashton took off at the start while I was left in the dust. Finally, I caught him probably because he slowed down to let me. I tried to run into him but he would always dodge it. Finally after him hitting me into, I do not even want to know how many, walls. I got off the track thinking, let him come find me. I walked over to a bench and sat down. Finally, Ashton came walking up. 

"Sick of getting hit into walls, baby?"

"Yeah, I am hungry let's get something to eat."

"You read my mind." Ashton said before dragging me to a pizza parlor. We both wanted a pepperoni pizza with green peppers, and sausage. I have come to find that our food dislikes are so similar. He does not like red peppers but likes green just like me. What a coincidence, we ate the pizza quickly and started a game of rapid-fire questions. 

"Okay, what is the most important object right now to you?" Ashton asked.

"A locket, given to me by my previous boyfriend. So what if you died right now, how would you want to die?"

"Heart attack, during sex." Ashton said smirking.

"Eww, you perve, I would want to die in the arms of someone I loved."

"So, you mean Alex, right?" Ashton asked seriously.

"Yup, I said lying just a little."

"Okay, if you had one regret in your life, what would it be?"

"Hmm, I think that it would be ...no maybe not that. I do not know. What would Ashton Fitzroy's one regret be?" I said leaning over the table to wink.

"Well, that would be that I had fought harder to keep my first girlfriend and not let her have like he was flashing back to the day.

"So, have you found the one yet, you knew your woman?"

"Yup, but I let her slip through my fingers twice." Ashton said grimacing and with the saddest look in his eyes.

"Oh," I said in shock. "Not to pry but could it be the girl on your nightstand."

"Nope," Ashton said popping the p.

"Well, who is she?" I said sassily.

"Why, are you jealous?"

"Of course not, just curious." It was actually breaking my heart that he could have already found the one. Why were my feelings so strong for him? I wanted to rip the blonde’s hair out until I heard Ashton say," She’s my sister, actually."

"Great," I said smiling again.

"Yup, ms- I-am-not-jealous." 

"I am not." I said stating each word separately.

"Whatever you say," Ashton said giving his trademark grin and winking.

"So who's the one?" I asked curiously again.

"Your jealous Ms. Windsor and you want to know, how I know."

"Intrigue me." 

"Your eye movements are jerky, and your face is tight, and your eyebrows are arched."

"I am not jealous." I said angrily to Ashton.

"Okay, you’re not jealous." Ashton's eyes said the opposite.

"Do I know the person you’re in love with?"

"You might." Ashton said smirking like there was some big joke or a game.

"What's her name?"

"It's a secret. Are you ready to go?"

"I guess but this conversation is not over. So what's next?"

"Mini-golf." Ashton said leading me to a counter outside by the mini-golf course. Two for mini-golf, Ashton told the mini-golf attendant. I wandered away to a near-by bench to wait. 

The window attendant asked Ashton if I am his girlfriend. "No, she's not," Ashton, replied

"Oh, mind if I get her number, I would like to get into her panties." 

"Yeah, I do mind." Ashton said before he punched him square in the jaw.

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