With a blotchy face, Seokjin looked up and made way to take the treat. He had been fine up until the fact that he saw the type of spoon Jimin held out. A spoon made out of literal gold. Seokjin frowned.

"Sorry. These were the only clean ones I could find right now." Jimin apologized. Seokjin sighed and took the expensive spoon. Well, this was his life now. He might as well get used to it. Seokjin almost threw up at the thought.

They sat in pure silence for the next ten minutes. Jimin stayed distracted with eating his ice cream while Seokjin did as well. Despite the relaxing silence, both of the teenagers' thoughts were actively running.

"It's not that bad..." Jimin finally acknowledged the elephant in the room.

Seokjin stared up from his ice cream and gave an unimpressed look at his best friend. Jimin ignored it and poked his own ice cream.

"Really! The overseas trips are sometimes fun. You get to own anything you want? Sometimes they name stuff after you- "

"Jimin, cut the crap." Seokjin interrupted. "You've told me all your life how much the rich life sucks. How the airplane rides are immensely long and exhausting, how you need to sit through never ending meetings, and how everyone judges you immediately because of your status. This is shit." Seokjin bluntly said. He stabbed his ice cream with his stupid gold spoon.

Seokjin looked up and immediately regretted what he said. Jimin had his eyes wide open, seeming taken aback at his friend's comment. His mouth was open a slight bit from a loss of words and his silence made Seokjin know that he probably went too far.

"Sorry." Seokjin whispered and sat back.

"It's fine, hyung. You're right." Jimin mumbled.

"It's a lot to take in and- I really didn't think you would become the fucking prince. Never once in my life." Jimin commented. The teenager had been as shocked as Seokjin was when he first heard the news, if not more actually.

He couldn't stop thinking on how Seokjin, the only 'normal' poor kid in their fancy private school, was going to top all of them on their status. Every single one of them. And it had happened with just one snap of a finger.

Maybe this is when you start to wonder,

How does Seokjin hang out with the rich?

Actually, it's an unusual story.

Seokjin's mother is a chef. A chef for the king. She ran away from Gwacheon when she was young along with Seokjin when he was very small. It had been during the terrible war, so they seeked out to live in Seoul out of safety. Since she was a runaway during a terrible time and the King had felt bad for the small family, she was able to win the lottery by scoring a job as a chef for the royal family. The king had been very nice to also pay for Seokjin's education after taking a great liking to the well mannered boy. Ever since Seokjin's mother was young, she impressed the family (especially the current prince, apparently) with her cooking. According to recent break out news, too much. It was true that the way to a man's heart was their stomach.

Seokjin's mother who used to work for the royal family is now becoming the queen. Which means, Seokjin will now become a prince himself. A simple run away boy who had been the lowest of the low in Seoul was about to become a prince. Again, Seokjin wanted to throw up.

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