History of Zionism - Part 3

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(Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion part 2)

So, how did "The Protocols" come to the attention of the masses?

Well, finding the answer was a bit tricky because there is a lot of conflicting information, but after digging through the Internet a bit, I found some information that was "willing to name names".

The public story starts with a Justine Glinka, who was the daughter of a Russian general. She was acting as a high class spy in Paris when she obtained an original document from a Jewish freemason named Joseph Schorst in 1884. Glinka paid Schorst $2500. franks for the document. After having sold her this document, Schorst fled to Egypt. According to French police archives, he had been tracked down and murdered. (Also of note: Solomon Rothschild (Lord Rothschild's son) was a freemason belonging to a French lodge.)

Glinka then forwarded her discovery to her handler General Orgevskii, in St. Petersburg, who gave it to a General Cherevin, who in turn was suppose to give it to the Czar. Cherevin though is said to have been in debt to certain wealthy Jews, so therefor he did not turn the document over to the Czar.

When Justine Glinka returned to Russia, she was banished to her family estate, by the Czar for allegedly publishing lurid accounts of Russian aristocrats "dirty laundry" in a book entitled Count Vassilii. Glinka was later cleared of the accusation, after it was discovered that real author was Juliette Adam, a French feminist devoted to the "philosophy" of theosophy (a tenant of spiritism religion) and the occult.

Despite these "misunderstandings", Glinka passed on a copy to a man; Alexis Sukhotin. He in turn passed copies to two friends: Philip Stepanov and Sergei Nilus. Stepanove had his own copies printed and was circulating them privately by 1897, although it was well known by the early 1890's that tracts and essays of similar content were already circulating among the Russian nobility. Nilus on the other hand, began to print this information publicly with the intent that the masses would read it.

Sergei Nilus was a Russian Orthodox monk. He was a "prodigal son" type individual who had a very similar conversion / introduction to the life of a monk as did St. Augustine back in the 4th century AD. Nilus first wrote The Great within the Small in 1901, which was a book of "prophetic" writings of what Nilus saw would become the future of Russia. He'd also stated in that work, that he believed this was the beginning of the end of the world. In the back of this book, he appendixes portions of "The Protocols".

The second publication to hit the masses came in 1903, in the form of articles in a Russian newspaper which again published portions of the "Protocols". These are the alleged forgeries said to be written by Matvie Golvinski, printed by editor Pavel Kruschevan of the newspaper "Znamya". (I'll discuss Kruschevan and what was going on in the media at the time in a minute.)

Ironically though, Matvie Golvinski had an interesting outcome that was very different than the editor's fate, or that of Sergie Nilus, or even Justine Glinka. Golvinski the "forger" of the "rabidly anti-semitic" Protocols as it turns out, was pardoned by the overwhelmingly Jewish lead Bolsheviks, for "flip flopping" sides a couple of times and went on to live out a comfortable / happy life as a Soviet bureaucrat under Stalin. Hum, now isn't that interesting?

Justine Glinka on the other hand; (formally known as Yuliana) was born in 1844 and died in 1918. (74 years old) Although I have not been able to find any record of how she died, or whether or not she had been arrested by the Bolsheviks? That would be a good assumption, looking at the year of her death and the fact that she was closely associated as a supporter of the Czar.

Sergie Nilus; (which is not believed to be his real name) in 1905 published the first completed works for the masses, under the title The Jewish Peril - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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