History of Zionism - Part 2

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(Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion part 1)

Now as we get into the 20th century, a lot of pieces of political puzzle begin to take shape. This next segment on Zionism will discuss the first in a series of documents and political movements that are connected to, or believed to be connected to Zionism. These documents and political movements are also the source of most modern conspiracy theories about a Jewish power elite global agenda.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:

(Bear with me here, this one is complicated and has a lot of "separate moving parts".)

For those who are not familiar with this particular work; "The Protocols" is a document of hotly debated origin. In one camp are those who believe it originated with the Jewish elite power structure as a manual of how to take over the world. In the other camp are those who claim it's a forgery, who's real origins are simply propaganda of an anti-Semitic counter-revolutionary Russian author named Matvie Golvinski. (I'll get into his story in a minute / more later.)

"The Protocols" is a political piece that has been translated into multiple languages and is probably one of the most (if not the most) influential and (probably most) widely read political pieces of the 20th century. Some literary scholars equate it to "political satire literature" with a message of warning, along the lines of George Orwell's book 1984. 1984 has a lot of similarities to "The Protocols", of which I'm sure Orwell was at least familiar with this piece.

"The Protocols" are alleged by some to be a forgery, plagiarized by Matvie Golvinski and sold to an editor (Pavel Kruschevan) of the newspaper "Znamya"; which parts thereof were subsequently published in Russia in 1903. The forgery was said to be from Maurice Joly's Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu which was published in 1864. Joly's work was alleged to be a satirical allegory, with Machiavelli substituting for Napoleon.

Interestingly though, Joly was later identified to be Joseph Levy, a Jew who was a life long member of the Mazraim Masonic Lodge in Paris. He was the protege of Adolf Cremieus (AKA Isaac Mouse Cremieus) who was the head of the lodge, as well as a minister in the Leon Gambetta (Jewish backed) government.

Joly was known to have plagiarized other works: Les Mysteries du Paris authored by Eugene Sue (1845) as well as Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Rousseau authored by another Mazraim Lodge member (Jacob Venedy) and fellow protege of Cremieux.(1850)

So, today (for various reasons) there are a minority of scholars who are suggesting Joly's "Dialogue in Hell" was actually plagiarized from "Protocols", not the other way around. These scholars do make some valid points about their position. ("Protocols" themselves claim to be centuries old.) One of these articles I read, postulating that Joly plagiarized "Protocols", was written by a Jewish professor. So, with that being said; interestingly, as we will see with other early publishers of "Protocols", Joly met an untimely death as he's said to have committed suicide in 1879.

The Masons:

Now to understand some of the rest of this story, we have to talk a little bit about Masonry. The Masons are a social / "para" religious group that spans many countries. Masonic legend goes back to Solomon's temple where "mason" meant "artist" of any sort of working craft, not just stone work. Masonic lodges have all sorts of "flavors". Some of the older "rites" are named for ethnic groups like "Scotch". Some are geographical areas like "York".

When the Renaissance came along, a new order of Masons began to emerge called the "Free Masons". These were the ones who began to get the reputation of "secret society" because they met in secret. The stated reason (from a Mason), being these men were coming out of the "secrets of the dark ages" into the "age of enlightenment"; so thus they were now "free" to engage all sorts of fellow brother human beings. This is where Masonic lodges began to mix peoples of different cultural and religious backgrounds who had the same social goals in common.

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