History of Zionism part 1

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I realized after I started writing this that it's quite long,

so it will be chopped up into smaller increments.

So, just like our global economy and banking system? Who knows anything about the history of Zionism; raise your hand!

Other Modern Interesting "Coincidences":

Contrary to what you may have been told in church; Zionism is a political movement that first appeared about the 1870's. Prior to that, Jewish belief was that no one was to return to the promised land until the Messiah appeared. The basic tenant was that the people were to follow the Messiah back into the promised land. (Now the prevailing belief is that once all are regathered in "the holy land"; then the Messiah will "make his appearance".) There is a large swath of Orthodox Judaism that still believe the original historical interpretation and many of these adherents march every year in New York City AGAINST the state of Israel; in protest of it's treatment of the Palestinians. (Don't believe me? Look it up on YouTube "Jews against Israel".)

The modern church has a variant of this (return to the promised land) belief that is part of the overall arching umbrella of Zionism. This was articulated to the American Christian world most predominantly by a referenced Bible edited (at least in part) by a Cyrus Ingerson Scofield. The Scofield Reference Bible's copyright is actually owned by the Jewish publisher Oxford Press; of which this Bible has gone through several revisions since Scofield's death. Revisions which include reference to "blessing" the nation of Israel that Scofield could not have made himself, seeing how he died in 1921 (28 years before Israel ever existed).

The Scofield Reference Bible has been used extensively to promote the Zionist agenda, much to the end result that most of it's adherents now see the nation of Israel as a fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham "in you shall all nations be blessed". They fail to see that Christ is the fulfillment of the promise to Abraham, not some chunk of land in the middle-east.

More on Scofield later.

So how did this Zionist agenda unfold?

Post 70 AD Migrations:

One thing I didn't mention when talking about Rothschild's and the banking system, was the origins of the Rockefeller's. I didn't mention this earlier because I just learned this myself.

Now there are some conspiracy theorists who say the Rockefeller family is also Jewish, yet after doing a bit of research; I'd found that this is not the case. The confusion comes out of a book who's first addition appeared in 1958 (2nd 1972, 3rd 1978) entitled Americans of Jewish Descent. This book was a genealogical research conducted by a Rabbi Malcolm Stern, in which he names the Rockefeller's.

It wasn't particularly clear to me where the confusion stemmed from, only that there had been a Rockefeller (the son of one of John D's brothers) who'd married a Jewish woman. Even at that though, that particular line of Rockefeller's was not of the lineage of the famous oil family; so where this alleged ethnic background of the whole family being Jewish came from, I don't really know? (Was it implied by the conspiracy theorists, or the rabbi himself?) The Rockefeller's are German though and their lineage can be traced back to 1500's and the town they got their name from. (Rockenfeld)

I bring up the Rockefeller's for a couple of reasons. First off, apparently from this book on genealogies, there are those who believe (both in and outside of the "Jewish international power structure"), that there are "Jews" who "pretend" to be Christians when in the "outside world" but are "wholly sold out" to the "Jewish power structure" when they are "with their own kind". John D though was an unwavering Baptist and at least from the outside, he appears to have held strong philanthropic convictions. Now someone who's dug more deeply into the Rockefeller's history may know more than I do about the family; which is fine, seeing how the motivation behind the Rockefeller's endeavors are outside of the scope of this Bible study.

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