Skipping over to my walk in closet, I decided to wear a black sports bra, and matching black leggings.

Looking myself over once in my big white floor mirror that leaned against my bedroom wall.

I grabbed an elastic off of my Vanity and pulled back my long brown wavy hair.

I looked at my blue eyes, which I got from my father. My eyes did how ever hold tiny specs of brown, that were actually very noticeable. My skin much like my mothers was also tan.

I put on my Apple Watch and grabbed my ear pods. Heading down the stairs I remembered to grab the mail.

"I'm leaving!" I yelled to my parents. I heard them both say okay as I closed the door behind me.

I jogged down my driveway and onto the side walk. After passing a few houses, I made it to Mrs Franklins house. I knocked a few time but there was no answer.

I noticed there was a mail slot in her door. I slipped the envelopes through and continued my run.

I made it to the end of our street and decided to go to the park. I took out my ear pods and shoved them in my leggings pocket, it was small but convenient.

I was standing in the beautiful field of the park. I watched as many people walked there dogs, our many kids play on the swings.

I felt the warm breeze blow at me. I smiled, happy that I lived somewheres where it was warm all the time. I was watching the beautiful sun shine down on the field, when I heard a ball get kicked.

"Hey heads up!" I heard someone yell. I looked up just in time to see a soccer ball coming right towards my face. I put my hands out and swiftly caught the ball.

With the ball in hand, I looked in front of me to see three gorgeous guys looking at me. One of them stood out In particular.

I watched as the more gorgeous one out of the three started to walk towards me, with his hand out. "I don't really think you can kick our anything, so you can just roll it to me!" I gorgeous man yelled with a smirk. I heard both of his friends snicker from behind him.

I knotted my eyebrows together. Assholes. I thought, I will show them.

The main blonde guy who spoke stood in place, he was still a little distance away. But I could see his gorgeous bed head hair blowing perfectly in the breeze.

I held the ball out in front of me at arms length, I stepped back slightly and brought my opposite leg up.

I watched as it made a perfect and very high drop kick. It smoothly came back down to the ground landing right into the blonde guys arms.

I watched as they all looked at me with shock, from my perfect kick. I only giggled and reached into my pocket. I pulled my ear pods back out, and turned back on my music.

I inhaled deeply, then took off on my exhale. I decided to do one lap around the park, then head back up my street.

I was constructing on the path in front of me. When I felt a ball smack me on the side of my head. I didn't even hear it. I rubbed my cheek as it stung slightly.

I pulled out my ear pod and looked down to once again see a soccer ball. I looked back up to see the three boys standing right in front of me.

And man did they look even better close up, no the blonde one looked even, even better close up.

I watched as time slowed down as he looked at me. He had green sparking eyes, with small specs of blue. His features were sharp and built beautifully. His exposed torso showing his six pack, and v line. Along with his huge muscly arms.

His friends both had brown hair with brown eyes. They were also both really built, and had sharp features. But they weren't this gorgeous man standing in front of me.

The blonde bent over and picked up the ball. He looked back up and smirked at me "wanna play, you look like you have a good kick there. And perfect legs" he said with a wink.

I heard his friends snicker, and knew he wasn't being serious. I have never really been confronted by a boy or boys like this before, so I didn't know what to do.

" thanks" I say and put my ear pod back in. I can hear all three of them laughing as I jogged away.

I finally got home. I took my ear pods out catching my breath, since I pushed myself as fast as I could for the last five minutes.

I ran upstairs to my room. And placed my air pods down on my vanity. I walked to my closet to get something comfier on, deciding on a pair of black booty shorts with a white rim. And white tank top.

Pulling my hair out of  it's elastic, I gently brushed through it. When I was done I went back down stairs.

Me and my parents had supper together, which ended up being pizza. We talked about how all of our Friday's were, apparently for all of us it was very tiring.

I was now up stairs, sitting on the couch located on my balcony, which was apart of my room.

I was writing in my journal. It was still Farley bright outside, as the sun was now just setting. It is what a lot of people like to call 'golden hour'.

I heard the laughter of boys. I ignored it and focused back on my writing.

"Damn I was right, she really does have nice legs" I heard an oddly familiar voice say. I looked up to see the same three boys standing out on the balcony of the house next door. Oh no.

The blond one smirked at me while taking a drag from his cigarette. He puffed it out

"Hey neighbour"

What did you think of the story so far? And I hope you enjoyed!😊

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