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AU: Powers, A/B/O, Adoption(1), Wings

Phil Coulson (32): Beta, superhuman endurance, wings: sparrow

Melinda May (28): Beta, weapon creation, wings: sparrow

Alphonso "Mac" Mackenzie (11): Alpha, superhuman strength and senses, wings: robin

Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez (11): Omega, super speed (snaps back to origin point), wings: robin

Bobby Morse (10): Alpha, sonic scream, wings: eagle

Lincoln Campbell (9): Alpha, electricity manipulation, wings: peacock

Lance Hunter (8): Omega, metamorphosis, wings: eagle

Daisy Johnson (8): Omega, seismic powers, wings: peacock

Jemma Simmons (7): Alpha, biological manipulation, wings: dove

Leo Fitz (7): Omega, animal mimicry, wings: dove

If someone had told Melinda May that by the time she was 28, she'd be in charge of not one, not two, not three, but eight small children, she'd never have believed them.

As it was, she was currently shopping for loose fitting hoodies, sweatpants, and hats for a little boy with powers of shapeshifting, their latest ward.

They'd yet to adopt the young child, but the paperwork was in the works and as far as Melinda and her husband Phil where concerned, the child was theirs.

Said little boy, Leopold James Fitz, was currently huddled up against her legs, nodding and shaking his head when asked a question.

"What do you think of this one, honey?" Melinda asked, holding up a pure white hoodie for the seven year old's inspection.

Wide, crystal blue eyes darted up and over the white fabric, then back down and May felt the little boy nodding against her leg.

"Can I get a verbal response this time, Leo? I love hearing your voice." Melinda pleaded.

Leo hesitated, then opened his mouth. "I like it," he murmured, "It seems like it'll fit well and something I would wear often."

Melinda nodded and waved the young lady helping them forward. Handing her the hoodie, Melinda smiled, "This one, as well, please."

The lady smiled back, brightly, and took the hoodie with gentle hands. "Of course, Miss May." The lady quickly left, bumping into absolutely no one as she hurried away.

See, aside from the lady and Melinda and Leo, the store was completely empty.

It was a deal Phil, lawyer that he was had worked out with the store manager. Melinda came in just before closing with little Leo, stayed in the employee bathrooms until an associate came to tell her that all the people had left, then Melinda had free reign of the store to shop to her satisfaction.

The reason behind it was the same reason that Leo was being adopted.

Leo had a bad track record with people, most of the people he'd known had been manipulators or abusive. Honestly, with exception of his mother (who died in a car crash when Leo was five), no one was kind to Leo before the age of seven.

Melinda continued looking through the racks as she thought about the young boy's past.


Leo's birthright as an Inhuman had been there since he was two and shifted for the first time. Leo's father had been furious when he found out, thinking that Leo's mother had cheated on him, refusing to believe that his bloodline carried dormant Inhuman genes.

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