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Pietro Maximoff was a good fighter.

After his accident in Sokovia short months prior, he and Wanda both fought hard to become better.

They became stronger, faster, and more in control of the powers they'd barely known anything about.

Wanda now understood the scarlet that flowed from her skin. She used it more freely. She was comfortable in her own body again, something she'd been unable to feel since the development of those powers almost six months ago, and farther than that since they'd been experimented on several years ago.

Pietro was faster than he'd ever been. He could break the sound barrier and travel faster than light. He could take bullets and cuts and broken bones and it all healed with in minutes.

However, just because Pietro knew hand to hand, could hold his own, was fast enough to rival most g-forces, and was a kick-ass fighter in the field...

This did not mean he wasn't the clumsiest thing on the planet when the fight was over and he was less sure footed.


It was a simple run to the kitchen and back. He wanted water because he was burning up with the heat.

(The heat was born of friction. From the floor, the walls, the sky, his own clothes, his cells in fact. Moving so fast they generated heat between them.)

He usually drained more than the required amount of water each day. Even going so far as to drink lemonade and an assortment of juices to cool off.

He wore the clothes because they helped.

Wanda helped too. She slowed his mind by creating vines and chains inside it. Slowing everything to a reasonable pace (for him anyway).

He needed the water to not overheat.

Unfortunately, his mission was impeded. By his own two left feet.

He zipped through the Avengers Tower with sure direction, skidding around corners and watching the people he passed move in slow motion or not at all.

He laughed at this because these people where very funny. He was so fast that he saw the whole world in slow motion or the world was just stopped.

To him, it was a great joke. Wanda, whenever he carried her, thought it odd and creepy.

Pietro didn't blame her, he thought it was at first too.

But Wanda didn't deal with this all the time, so she really didn't understand why he found humor in it, but that was alright. He didn't think she ever would.

Speaking of Wanda, he briefly wondered where his sister was. She hadn't been in the bedroom when he woke up.

Then again, she was usually awake earlier than he was, so that wasn't so odd.

As his thought spun faster and faster (which made it impossible for anyone but Wanda to read his mind), he focussed less on where he was and where he was going.

Then something shiney caught his eyes and before he knew it...

He was suddenly flat on his back looking at the ceiling with his nose and face in pain.

When he realized what happened, he was glad the hall was empty.

He literally just smashed into a wall.

He didn't wait, he jumped up and started yelling.


Wanda was in the living room watching an older show.

When she heard the crash, she didn't think much of it, thinking it to be something from the labs that Toni Stark frequented.

Then she heard the Sokovian cursing and she laughed.

"I'll kill you and all those who dare to stand in my way as you have. You stupid mother fucker, I will never be harmed by you or your brethren ever again! Never in my life-!"

Wanda continued to laugh even when Pietro had finally stopped.

He rushed in and Wanda handed him a bottle of freezing water. "What happened, brother-dear? Have you crashed again?"

"These walls are out to get me, sister. I must destroy them." Pietro replied, draining the bottle and reaching for the second one Wanda offered again.

The brunette burst out laughing all over again.

Tales of the Teenage Avengers And Agents Of SHIELDWhere stories live. Discover now