Captured (A/B/O/ A/U)

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They didn't see their captors coming.

They where in the lab, Jemma standing, because Leo was getting the beginnings of a migraine, and trying to help Leo talk through the inner workings and shut down process of the device they'd found.

Leo sat in a rolling chair because of the pounding in his head (perks of being so smart) with a hand over his eyes to relieve the pain building behind them.

As he shook his head to something Jemma was asking, he straightened and sighed. "I don't think so, the radiation will be triggered if we proceed with that line of thought."

Jemma sighed as well and tried to think of something else, her own head starting to throb, the pressure in her temples already threatening to become a headache.

It was sudden. Her hands where on her temples on minute, and being tied behind her the next.

She felt the spike of fear and confusion hit the Bond in the next second.

Leo's confusion came from the fact that one second, he was complaining mentally about the impending migraine. The next moment, there was a hand over his chest, cool metal at his throat, and a voice in his ear warning him not to move.

"Fitz!" Jemma cried, trying to go to her Mate and pull him away from the danger in front of them.

A different voice spoke softly. "If you want him to live, don't struggle or I swear, I'll kill him and make you watch." It threatened.

Jemma was thrown into a loop of worst case scenarios.

Leo tortured slowly for information he couldn't provide and dying away from her, surrounded by harsh people and hatred filled words.

A bullet hole between his clouded blue eyes after the safety of a gun had been pulled back.

A stab wound to his heart as he slowly bled out from wounds she couldn't heal.

It didn't matter how he died, just what happened after. When your SoulMate died, a small part of you went with them and you'd never be the same. She'd be hopeless and loveless and unable to do anything if Leo died.

Her eyes filled with tears at the idea of being alone forever. A world without Leo wasn't a world worth living in. "No, no. Please, don't hurt him." She begged, she words slipping easily from her lips as she pleaded for the life of the only person she'd ever Mark as hers.

The men nodded to each other and the man holding Fitz pushed him over to the security camera and held the scalpel to his throat.

The angle of the knife to his neck forced Leo's chin upwards and that exposed the Mating Mark on the left side of his neck.

Jemma growled briefly at the rough treatment, angry that these men where doing this, but the knife was pressed harder into her Mate's neck causing a slight whimper to pass his lips as he struggled to breath.

"Shut up, or he dies." The man restraining her ordered.

Jemma backed off, watching as Fitz went paler and paler until he was white.

She wanted to rip these men to pieces or growl at them and make them leave the pair alone.

Unfortunately this was not to happen.

They waited a good couple minutes before they where let go.

In that time, Leo's head tilted further back as the knife was put farther into his neck (and subsequently closer to their Bond Mark) and Jemma wanted very much to struggle, but remembered that doing so would result in her Mate's death at the last moment.

A single tear ran down her cheek.

She couldn't protect him now.


It was twelve minutes before Spanish was heard over their radio.

They where twelve of the longest minutes of Jemma's life.

They where let go and allowed to embrace each other. Jemma held the trembling boy with all the strength she could provide to prove that she was still here and wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

It was far too soon for them to be pulled apart.

"No, please." Leo pleaded and Jemma's heart broke at the terror and pain and begging in his voice. She bit back a few curses when she saw the tears beginning to form in his eyes and she promised herself that these men would pay.

She looked back at her captors briefly, then her eyes snapped back to her Omega and she put reassurance through the Bond that they would be alright.

Something told her that they both knew she was trying to reassure herself just as much as Leo.


The second the ropes where tied tightly around their wrists and their arms where bound securely behind their backs, Leo was lead to sit in front of the bay doors and Jemma was pushed towards the doors and tied to them. The men left afterwards, knowing them to be securely caught.

When they where gone, Leo allowed a sigh of relief. "Are you alright?" He asked, crystal eyes meeting her hickory brown.

She saw the fear in his eyes, saying he was still terrified. She saw the lines at the corners, speaking of the pain hidden beneath the surface. She moved herself closer so that her hip met his side and he breathed out sharply and shakily.

The tension melted off his shoulders.

Check one, Jemma thought.

"I'm fine, Leo. I'm alright. What about you? You where the one they threatened, are you alright?" She asked quickly, looking at him with worry lacing the edges.

Leo's posture slumped and Jemma saw his pupils dilate slightly. She let her scent roll off her so as to calm the scared Omega.

Check two.

"I'm alright, I'm alright." Leo offered, and Jemma caught tears threatening to spill over.

She put encouragement through the Bond and wiped the fear from her face. Leo needed her now and she needed him just as much. She had to be strong.

Lay on me. She told him and Leo put his head on her collar bone.

Good. Now breath with me. She breathed in, counting to four, then breathing out.

After a few heartbeats, Leo followed her example and began to breath.

Jemma felt the light press again the Bond and snuggled in closer to her Omega, pushing her nose into his hair.

He made an appreciative noise, calming down significantly, but he flinched when Ward and Skye where pushed into view.

Shh, easy. It's just the rest of the team, don't worry. Jemma soothed and Leo settled back down, tucking himself closer to his Alpha.

Jemma herself was comforted by the fact that while she may be unable to protect him right now, but she could still provide him with comfort when he needed it.

The Alpha female whispered to her Mate as May was drug down by her wrists.

He breathed in deeper and pressed himself closer to the Alpha as their captors, Reyes, walked past and Jemma glared at the woman.

She'd made a mistake catching them.

And Reyes would rectify the second they where free.

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