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If you had to take Agents Fitz and Simmons and place them in categories, then they'd be in categories all their own because that's how they worked and how people saw them.

Grant Ward didn't know that.

Grant Ward had never even heard of them.

Grant Ward had no clue that relationships could be so. Fucking. Air. Tight.

Grant Ward didn't even know relationships like that existed.

So when Coulson had told him to look for Fitz-Simmons, he thought he was looking for one person. Not a team.

But again, that's how Fitz-Simmons operated. That's how it'd been the second they'd met. There had been instant chemistry that drove them to each other.

Since meeting each other in that tiny closet (after being shoved in there by a mean boy that saw all others as lesser and didn't like the fact that both Fitz and Simmons had spun circled around him. Hell, they'd double teamed him. Building off each other. It made him angry. So he'd shoved them in that tiny closet.

"We've never formally met. I'm Leopold Fitz." The Scottish man smiled at her, holding out his hand, trying not to be frightening.

The female genius smiled back, grasping his hand in hers. "Nice to meet you, Leopold Fitz. I'm Jemma Simmons." She returned, shaking his hand.

They both tried to get comfortable in the tiny closet meant for cleaning utensils. Not people. And certainly not two.

"I have an idea." Jemma offered.

"On how to get out?" Leopold asked.

"No, no. We're locked in until tomorrow I'm afraid. On how to be more comfortable." Jemma replied. "You may not like it, though." She winced.

"Well, my elbows are packed in painfully close and my knees are bent in ways I'm not sure they're supposed to bend, so anything will be better than this." Leopold sighed, voice slightly strained.

Jemma moved to stand, holding out her hand to Leopold. The Engineer took it and the Biochemist pulled him to his feet. "Okay." Jemma barely blinked at how close they where. "Can you move with me? I'll tell you when to stop."

Leopold ended up sitting on the wall opposite the door, thankful that the room was big enough for him to stretch his legs out and still have plenty of room for Jemma to crouch down. She slid into the space between his legs, curling up tight under his chin.

Leopold hesitantly curled his arms around her to pull her closer as the air vents blew cold air right over top of them. "This is much more comfortable, yes." He smiled.

Since then, they'd been inseparable.

Fitz and Simmons against the world.

Because that's what it was at first. It was just Fitz and Simmons. Then Fitz and Simmons. Then Fitzy and Sim (only in private, of course). Then Leo and Jemma (also in private). And finally, Fitz-Simmons.

When Grant Ward walked into the lab looking at the two, and asking for Fitz-Simmons, his answer was:

"Fitz." The female Britt pointed to the male Scott.

"Simmons." The male Scott pointed to the female Britt.

And Grant Ward just sighed.

Tales of the Teenage Avengers And Agents Of SHIELDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora