Keep Holding On

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It happened every once in a while.

Clint would get overwhelmed with the people he'd lost and killed and failed to save.

So, it wasn't really Toni's fault when he snapped and threw Toni to the wall when she tried to ask if he was okay.

He was just having a bad day.

When those days happened, Natasha would follow him anywhere he went and keep him company.

This was partly because if anyone else approached him should she not be around, he would snap again and could very well hurt someone else.

You're not alone. Together we stand. I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand.

Natasha would push her lover into a spar, to remind him that he was only defending himself. She would remind him that unfortunately a hero couldn't save everyone no matter how hard they tried.

They stood together until the end, she'd be by his side until he was okay again.

Not good, not great, but okay. And that was enough.

When it is cold. Feels like the end. No place to go, you know I won't give in. No I won't give in.

Clint told her he still remembered every one of the people he killed. Told her he remembered all the ones he couldn't save. Every one of them.

That was too much weight for one fifteen year old to shoulder alone.

Natasha would only hold him closer, and make her time old promise. The one she'd been refreshing and renewing with every bad day Clint had. The promise was that she was always there for him. No matter what, that she'd never give in.

Because the promise allowed her to slip under his burden and shoulder some if it for herself so that he didn't feel so hurt and guilty.

Because none of that was his fault. The people he couldn't​ save weren't saved because he was saving others blocks away.

The people who where killed, the blood wasn't on his hands. That was Fury, because Clint shot to wound not to kill. It was Fury who gave the order for someone to kill them.

(Clint never told her that he'd kill for her.)

Keep holding on. Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through. Just stay strong. Cause you know I'm here for you, here for you.

Natasha was always there. Always.

He dreaded the inevitable day that she wasn't there to help him by telling him to stay strong, they'd make it through together, keep holding on, I'm here for you.

There's nothing you can say. Nothing you can do. There's no other way when it comes to the truth, so keep holding on. Cause you know we'll make it through, make it through.

Natasha would always tell him that the past was the past and there wasn't a thing he could do to change it. There wasn't another way when it came to the truth.

He just had to keep holding on. Cause they'd make it through.



After the Battle of Sokovia, the inevitable happened.

Natasha was called away on a mission and Thor (the person he'd go to after nightmares of Loki and that stupid, stupid scepter) was off world doing Lord knew what.

He had a bad day.

It wasn't pretty.

He was jumpy, skittish, fearful. His Accuracy Enhancement (something he was born with that gave him the ability to hit anything he aimed at with anything he aimed with, even if he wasn't looking) wasn't to be trusted that day, the mistrust born of fear his friends would get hurt when he started hitting the punching bag.

Luckily, even when she wasn't there, Natasha was still looking after him.

You're so far away. I wish you where here, before it's to late, this could all disappear.

Pietro and Wanda would take his hands with gentle hands and soft words.

They'd remind him that he wasn't responsible for what happened while he was under control of the scepter. He hadn't know what he was doing, didn't have the memories at all.

For this he was grateful because he didn't know what he'd do without them. They where his family too now.

And family looked after each other.

Even through the storms.

Before the doors close and it comes to an end. With you by my side I will fight and defend. I'll fight and defend.

Clint doesn't remember feeling so at ease with anyone else but Natasha.

He'd fight for them. He'd defend them. With them and Natasha by his side...

He felt like he could take on the world.

Keep holding on. Cause you know we'll make it through, make it through. Just stay strong. Cause you know I'm here for you, here for you.

When Clint would collapse​ of exhaustion, Pietro would pick the younger up and take him to his room.

Wanda would make his dreams sweet and keep his nightmares at bay.

Hear me when I say, when I say I believe. Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny.

Sometimes it would require all three of them.

Natasha would spar with him until he was too exhausted to keep going.

Pietro would take him to bed and make sure he was comfortable.

Wanda would keep his nightmares at bay.

All three would stay with him until everything was better.

Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Everything worked out fine because that's how it was meant to be.

Keep holding on, cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through. Just stay strong, cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you. There's nothing you could say, nothing you could do. There's no other way when it comes to the truth. So keep holding on, cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through.

Clint was more than grateful for the three of them.

He didn't know what he'd do without them.

There's nothing you could say, nothing you could do. There's no other way when it comes to the truth. So keep holding on, cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through.

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