Stowaways (Alien A/U, A/B/O A/U)

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When JS37, or Jemma, found the old Rules for dealing with Humans, she never expected for any of it to be true.

Of course, the Rules had been updated, reinstated, modified, and completely dismantled since then, and really how could she expect them to be anything.

She didn't even know what a "Human" was.


Well, it wasn't entirely her fault, but she and her crew mates, PC82 (Phil), LC14 (Lincoln), BM65 (Bobbi), and AM29 (Mack), had touched down for refueling and restocking and the Humans had snuck aboard without her knowing.

She wasn't even sure how they'd gotten on their ship or what they where doing so far away from home in the first place.

But she, Bobbi, and Lincoln had begged for them to stay and therefore, Phil and Mack had said yes.

Celebrations where cut short when one of the Humans suddenly collapsed and groaned as if in pain.

It was the youngest female. Her face flushed red and the other four converged around her, the two older females in from, the younger male in back, and the older male shoved behind the females in a show of protectiveness.

"What is this? What has happened?" Asked Lincoln.

The Humans where quiet for a solid minute, then the younger male answered.

"She's gone into Heat. She needs food and water and a comfortable place."

Jemma hid the blush and rush of quick adoring as he spoke.

"The medical bay is the closest place. It will have everything you need." Phil replied, taking charge, just as anyone in his Rank was to do. "LC14 and JS37 will take you while AM29, BM65, and I make sure we have everything you need."

The three of them teleported away, leaving Jemma and Lincoln there to help the Humans.

The two females where prepared for a fight, displaying all the signs of physical discomfort and defense.

The males where simply watching and waiting, curious and interested in what would happen next.

Lincoln took charge as he held highest Rank.

"My name is LC14, you can call me Lincoln. This is JS37, you can call her Jemma." Lincoln introduced.

"I'm Melinda May, this is Elena Rodriguez, call her Yo-Yo. Lance Hunter is behind us, the one who went into Heat is Daisy Johnson, and the one kneeling next to her is Leopold Fitz, we call him Fitz." Melinda replied, gesturing to each of the Humans in turn.

So, see, it really wasn't Jemma's fault. It was the entire team's.

It was all of them who allowed them to stay.


The first Rule, don't eat their food. If Human food passes your nutrient processer, you will never be satisfied with your ration bars again, was also the first to be broken. By Phil.

"So what exactly are you feeding her, what did we pick up for you?" Mack asked, watching as Fitz fed Daisy (who was about two days into her Heat and still completely out of it) some of the squishy purple ovals.

"They're called grapes. It's a fruit. They provide your body with needed nutrients and supplements." Fitz replied, feeding Daisy another.

Jemma, Bobbi, Mack, and Phil watched in curiosity as Lincoln piloted their ship.

He said it was because no one else was there to do it, but they knew he wanted to make a good first impression and jumping on Daisy to Mate the unsuspecting and vulnerable Omega was probably not the way to go.

"What does it taste like?" Phil asked, tilting his head.

Fitz looked at Lance in reply as he fed Daisy a few more grapes.

Lance shrugged and pushed over the spare bowl. "Try it. Can't be too bad."

Phil slowly picked it up, turning and examining it from all sides before he popped it into his mouth and chewed.

The taste alone was enough to make him tear up and the lucid Humans all looked at each other, then at him as if he was insane.

When Phil tried to go back to the ration bars next meal time, he simply couldn't do it.

The rest of the crew where corrupted just as fast.


The second Rule was Winning a Human's favor will ensure a great deal of luck is on your side, but if you anger them, they are wholly capable of wiping out everything you care about. Do not anger them.

This one, was broken by Mack.

As it turned out, when a Human wanted something, they where often straight forward and direct about it.

And the females apparently had little to no restraint.

"You should take me out for dinner. There was a nice little place back thirty miles. Turn around and we can have a nice talk." Elena, the one Melinda had said to call Yo-Yo, told Mack as he worked at his station.

"Uh... What?" Mack asked, eyes briefly flickering to her.

"Take me out for dinner, Turtle Man."

Turtle Man. That was new. It came from Yo-Yo's desire to be fast. She believed Mack to be slow. Apparently it was a term of endearment.

"We cannot turn around." Mack told her, voice logical and calm as he looked her in the eye. "Our mission states not to turn back or turn around." He said.

Yo-Yo was quiet for several moments, something new for her, she was never quiet for more than two heartbeats.

"If you did not wish to take me out, all you have to do is say so." Yo-Yo promptly turned and walked away, despite Mack's protesting and pleas to stop.

When Mack later retired to his shared quarters (with Yo-Yo herself) he found his bed was covered in a thick green substance. Jell-O.

Yo-Yo only smiled when he glanced in her direction.

She looked much more distressed when Mack told her about plans for dinner on an upcoming planet. She also offered to sit down and watch some holo-vids as they ate the Jell-O.

Needless to say, Mack agreed.


The third and final Rule, if you do happen to meet and keep a Human, do not form any kind of attachments to them. Humans will not allow the attachment to be broken. You are bound to them for eternity, was broken first by Jemma (with Fitz), then by Mack (with Yo-Yo), third by Lincoln (with Daisy), fourth by Bobbi (with Lance), and lastly by Phil (with Melinda).

As they lay curled around each other that night, Leo (a name only Jemma was allowed to use) with his head in Jemma's collar bone and eyes half lidded and foggy from sleep and Jemma on her back looking at the ceiling with her arms around him and fingertips stroking his side, Jemma couldn't help but feel grateful that they'd found the five Humans on that restock planet.

"What are you thinking about?" Leo murmured sleepily and Jemma could sense that he was close to sleep.

"How grateful I am that you five arrived on out Alien planet and snuck aboard our ship." Jemma smiled back.

"Yeah." The male Omega replied. "Me too."

Obviously, I switched around a few things, omited others, and added in a few along the way, but uh. Yeah, it's here.

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