On the way to my second period though, I had to go to the bathroom. I felt like I was about to piss my pants. Damn iced almond milk latte. I sighed, turning to look up at the small clock on the hallway wall & noticing that I had around three minutes to take my little bathroom break. I took it & practically ran into the bathroom that was a few feet away, dropping my notebook outside against the wall to wait. I rushed into a stall & locked it shut behind me, relief flooding through me.

After doing my business, I flushed the toilet & walked over to one of the porcelain sinks to begin washing my hands in the warm, soapy water. I glanced up at my reflection in the dirty mirror & made sure my foundation on Jack's bruise he cause yesterday was keeping it covered. It was.

A few seconds passed & I shut off the faucet of running water, grabbing a few paper towels & hastily drying my hands. I walked out of the bathroom & bumped into somebody on accident, too busy looking down at the water droplets left on my slim hands. I heard the person scoff & I looked up to see who it was. Meredith.

"What's a little whore like you doing in here sweety? Looking for another taken guy to fuck?" Meredith spat & my eyebrows furrowed. How did she know about Ethan & I on the night of the messed up party? "And yes, I do know what happens. Your little boy toy would tell me everything when we were dating." Meredith continued & I sighed. "You should talk, all you ever do is fuck guys left and right. All for your own pleasure. You never think about a guy's feelings, just fuck, have a fake relationship as you fuck other guys & then leave them." I stated, glaring at the bitch. Her lip curled up into a snarl & she was about to say something but I pushed past her to leave to my second class.

I felt Meredith grab me by the hood of my hoodie & dragged me back so my back hit the tiled wall of the bathroom. "I'm not done with you bitch." She growled our & I swallowed. Sure, we were both girls but she is way more nasty & more of a fighter than me. "You're a fucking cunt," She started & slapped me across the face harshly, "I leave Ethan for one fucking second and you gotta go and take him. Well guess what? You aren't even his type, I am. He'll never like you back slut." She explained, getting closer to my face as I held my cheek. Why was I always getting fucking hit?! "First of all you fake ass hoe, I don't even like Ethan! I'm his fucking friend because nobody else but me seems to give a shit about him if he's not fucking them!" I stated & she glared at me. "You lying whore! Shut the fuck up!" She raised her voice, punching me in the stomach & making me double over. I spit out the small amount of blood that raised up in my throat. "I'm not fucking lying bitch! If you want him back so badly then take him. It's not like he's mine you fucking idiot." I said lowly. How was this my problem? "I said shut the fucking hell up! I'll take him back once you're out of my way!" She said, raising her voice. I was about to look up at make a snarky remark but she grabbed my head & forced it to come down onto her knee harshly. My vision spotted for a moment & I fell onto the floor, feeling like I just got a concussion. "I'm not in your goddamn way. Jesus fucking Christ, when will you realize what I'm trying to fucking tell you?! I. Don't. Like. Him. Like that." I whispered, loud enough so that she could hear but quiet enough that I wouldn't give myself a bigger headache. "Yeah, and I'm supposed to fucking trust you why?" She said maliciously & I blinked lazily, my vision blurry as my head pounded. I shut my eyes for a split second.

Then I suddenly felt a hand squeezing my jaw very hard & I shot my eyes open to see Meredith bending down in front of me while grinning. "Just know this, if you don't get out of my fucking way....I'll have somebody do something to you that will make you." She threatened & I was about to responded through my raging headache but she yanked my head forward by her grip & then slammed my skull back against the wall behind me.

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