I Miss You

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Why did you leave me? I miss you so much. I miss talking to you, I miss having fun with you, I miss laughing with you, I miss everything about you... but you left me. You left me for that stupid shrimp. WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?? I MISS YOU SO MUCH. I WISH JIMIN WASN'T IN THIS SCHOOL, I HATE THIS, I HATE THIS FEELING, I WANT IT TO BURN... I WANT IT TO DIE... I want to die... whatever, it's not like I care or anything...

Honestly, I hate this feeling, this feeling makes me so sad... Being heartbroken hurts, a lot. You feel empty, you feel like something is missing. You wish a lot of things didn't happen and sometimes when we hope for the best to move on, you can't. 

I walk in the school, seeing Ji and Jimin, obviously... "I miss you Ji..." I mumble I look at them again then walk away, I could see Ji looking at me, a bit concerned, but then she gets covered by a million fans. "Hey Hyung, wassup?" Jungkook says "The sky" I respond "Oh wow, that's a pretty old joke" "I know, but still a classic..." "Haha, so hows you and Ji?" "I dunno, we don't talk anymore" "Do you miss her?" "Of course I do"

I miss her, a lot. 

Hi, this is um a short chapter. Also, just saying, chapter 20 is when Shattered Hearts is over. Then there's the epilogue, a few more chapters left!!!

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