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It's been a few days after Jimin and Ji talked. Every time I try to talk to Ji, she talks to me but then says 'Hey Tae, I can't talk much, gotta hang out with Jimin, bye!'  I feel so... ignored by Ji. Every day I see her and Jimin talk before school starts, period 3, passing period, lunch, and when we leave. We barely talk anymore, I miss talking to her... I HATE YOU PARK JIMIN UGHH.

I see Ji without Jimin for once I decide to go talk to her "H-Hey Ji... It's been a while since we've talked" "Huh? Oh, hey Tae. I agree it's been a while since we've talked" "Y-Yeah heh, I always see you and Jimin together... are you guys dating or something?" "U-Us?? Pffft, I wish. Anywho, how are you?" "I'm alright I guess..." "Huh? Are you alright?? Your response is always 'Yeah I'm great now that you're here' What's up with that?" "N-Nothing!" If only she knew...

"Hey Ji" "Huh? Oh hey Jiminie!!" Oh great, here comes Mr. Pretty Boy... WAIT I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN CALL JI, JI!!! "What?? I thought I was the only one that could call you Ji..." "Oh, sorry Tae. Not anymore" She turns light pink "You're alright with that though, right?" "Mhm, y-yeah sure..." NO IM NOT ALRIGHT WITH THAT. "Anywho... Ji, wanna hang out after school?" I ask. "Sorry... I have plans with Jimin. Right Jiminie?" "Mhm" Yeah. I should have known. Why do I even bother? I'm an irrelevant idiotic trashcan... no one is going to like me... "O-Oh... okay then... I'll leave you guys be then..." "You can join us tho!" Ji adds "N-No... You guys can have some alone time." "You sure?" "Mhm, not like I care or anything" I mumble "What was that??" "N-Nothing! I'm extra positive, you guys can go now" They both leave and I see Jimin's arm around Ji... 

..Damn it, I miss you Ji...

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