Our Little Secret

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I woke up and see me and Ji snuggled up, I turn red, get up, and wake up Ji "Ji Ji, wake up" "Hm? WhAaAa, dOnT tELL mE wE sNugGLed lASt niGht" "Uhm, we did..." "OmGgGGg" "Don't worry, this will just be between us two. It's like our little secret" "Oh ok" "What are you two rats doing here on the floor?? Aren't you guys supposed to be at school?" The janitor said and looked at us "Y-Yeah, come on Ji, we'll be late" We both leave the area we were just in and was about to leave the library until... "Hey! You're forgetting something. Look up!" We both look up and- "A MISTLETOE???" We both said then looking at each other. "Well... we can't go until we kiss..." Ji gives a small kiss on my cheek and then grabs my hand to go to school

Ji lets go of my hand and says "We'll keep this a secret right? I don't want Jimin to be mad at me... he might think I would be cheating on you..." "Oh, don't worry Ji, like I said, it's our little secret" "Okay! Thanks" We both walk to school together and enter the school. I see Jimin walking towards us "Ji, why are you with this idiot?" "Jimin, he's not an idiot, he's my friend. Get it right for once, you're always calling him names when really he's done nothing to you. He only beat you up because you were getting on his nerves. Not cool Jiminie, so chillax, he's just a friend." "Fine, whatever, but I'm watching you Taehyung." Jimin grabs Ji's hand and walks away. Before I turn away I see Ji look at me and give me a warm smile

The bell rings and I walk to class, because of that 'fight' Jimin and I had, Jimin moved a few classes, luckily, I'm still in a class with Ji but Jimin is also in a few classes with Ji too, but I guess that's alright "Hey Ji!!" I give her a smile and sit down next to her "Oh hey Tae!!" Then I see Jungkook come in "Hey guys, mind if I join in?" "Sure why not!" Ji answers. Then Jungkook sits next to me "Alright class, settle down. Today since it's nearly Christmas, I decided for all of you to get in a group of three people and make a 'Christmas' related song, this will be due in 3 weeks" the teacher announces "Hey Tae and Jungkook, do you want to be in a group?" Ji asks "Sure why not?" Then we discuss our Christmas song.

After Class

"Bye Ji!! Bye Jungkook!!" I yell "Bye! Cya in 5th period!!" Jungkook yells "Bye you two!!" Ji yells We all give each other warm smiles, wave, and then walk away "I'm watching you Taehyung." I turn around and see Jimin "Sure, whatever you say king shrimp" I give him a sneaky smirk then walk to my next class.


You guys won't know the Christmas song until the next chapter :)
k bye <3

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