Our Christmas Song

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It's been a few weeks after the teacher announced the christmas song project. I get a dm by Ji and she says 'hey Taehyung, should I make a group chat for our Christmas song? We only have one more week to do.'  'Sure, do you have Jungkook's phone #?'  'No, wbu?'  'I do, here it's ***-***-***'  'Alrighty, thanks' 'No problem'

Hey? Are Tae and Jungkook here? 

Yup, I'm here Ji

Oh, hey guys, this is a group
chat for our project right?

Oh, hey guys, so when should we meet up?
Or... When are you guys available?

I'm available now, wbu Tae?

Oh, sorry guys. Yeah, I'm
available today. So, since
we're all available where should
we all meet up? Or whose house?

Hmm, maybe my house?
My parents aren't here, they're
out of town

Sounds good, you alright
with it Jungkookie? 

Yeah, I'm fine with it.

Cool! I'll be waiting

Already on my way.


Our houses aren't really far so it takes around 5 minutes to get to Ji's house, same with Jungkook. When I reach there I already see Jungkook and Ji waiting for me "Hey Ji, hey Jungkook" "Oh hi Tae!" "Wassup Taehyung" "So, ready to make our christmas song?" "Yup" Both Jungkook and Ji said. "Cool, let's go in, it's freezing outside"

"So, what do you think the song should be about?" I ask "Maybe something with love?" Ji responds "With Santa too!" Jungkook yells "Alright... now the lyrics since we already have our 'idea'" "Hmm how about... 'Santa tell me if you're really there, don't make me fall in love again if he won't be here next year' Sounds good so far?" Ji sings "Sounds good, also we should add this to the lyric 'Santa tell me if he really cares, cause I can give it all away if he won't be here next year'" "Omg, good idea Jungkook!!" Ji yells. A few minutes later, we finished and decided to find out who will sing and then play the instruments "How about Ji sings, we'll be the background singers, and then we'll all play the instruments" "Sounds good" Both Ji and Jungkook said 

On the day of singing their songs

"Alrighty, the last group. Taehyung, Ji, and Jungkook, what is your Christmas song called?" The teacher asked "It's called Santa Tell Me" Ji says "Alright, you guys may start performing" Then we start performing.

A/N: Yes, it's Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande

"Santa tell me if you're really there
Don't make me fall in love again
If he won't be here next year
Santa tell me if he really cares
'Cause I can give it all away if he won't be here next year"
"Feeling Christmas all around
And I'm trying to play it cool
But it's hard to focus when I see you walking around the room
Let it snow, it's blasting now
But I won't get in the mood
I'm avoiding every mistletoe until I know
It's true love that he thinks of
So next Christmas
I'm not all alone, boy"

After Performing

After performing, we got a whole lotta applause and claps, even from our teacher. "Good job you three, I'm very proud of your project. I didn't expect talent from you three, very impressed. Amazing talents you three have, now go sit down, everyone may go and talk to their classmates for the remainder of the time" All three of us go and sit down in our desks "Wowie! We really did a great job on our project." I say "Yeah, I can't wait to see our grade," Ji says "Same here!" Jungkook adds. Then the bell rings "Alrighty, see Y'all later!" "You too!" Then we all leave and head to the next class. I'm quite proud of our song.

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