Stay With Me

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It's been a few weeks after me and Ji hanged out, Jimin isn't sick anymore so now Ji and Jimin hang out more... Eh whatever... It's not like I care or anything I d-d-don't like her... like that  but that's all INFACT I H-HATE HER.. wait, no I don't... I spot Ji and Jimin in an empty hallway I wonder what they're doing, I decided to spy on them "Hey Ji... I just have something to tell you..." "What is it, Jimin?" "Well.. ever since we've hanged out more often I guess I developed feelings for you and I hope you accept my feelings..." "Really??? Omg, I've been crushing on you!! I love you back!!" Then... I see them hugging then kissing... N-NO, WE'RE JUST FRIENDS... JUST FRIENDS... I run away, hide in a bathroom and lock it, then start to cry. "Please Ji... why won't you just stay with me...?"

A few weeks later

Ji and Jimin are the most 'popular' couple now... and now Ji avoids me, is it because of Jimin? Is this what she wants? Popularity? B-Better friends...? NO THAT'S NOT WHAT SHE WANTS. Ji... oh Ji, what happened to the Ji I know? I decided to congratulate Jimin and Ji "Oh.. um hey Ji..." "Huh? Ohh... Tae...!" "Yeah, it's been a while, you avoid me soo much but I hope you enjoy this life... I hope you're doing better without me..." Then I see Jimin come along "Get lost Taehyung. She's mine, what are you doing here anyways? Here to flirt with my girl?" "W-What?? No! I'd never... I just wanted to congratulate you guys..." "Yeah you better... if not I'm going to beat you up for stealing  MY girl." "Yah, Jiminie, calm down he's just a friend" A friend? 

"Anyways... I'll be on my way... Bye Ji, bye Jimin. Congrats on your relationship by the way... I hope you enjoy your life without me..." I fake smile and leave.

Ji's POV

Huh? What does he mean? Does he like me or something?? He's been acting so strange whenever I'm with Jimin, but whenever Jimin isn't here... he's so happy...

Am I missing out on something?

Taehyung's POV

It's been a few days after people found out about their relationship. Of course they avoid me... like usual... whatever casuals... I see Jungkook and decided to talk to him "Hey Jungkook, wassup?" "Oh hey Hyung! Have you heard about Ji and Jimi-" "Y-Yeah, I-I know..." Then all of a sudden Jungkook gives me a hug. A tight warm hug I needed... I needed someone to be there for me and comfort me "T-Thank y-you..." "No problem Hyung, I know how much you like her" "Y-Yeah... I guess, so changing the subject, how are you?" "Great, what about you?" "Well I guess horri-" Before I could finish my sentence Jungkook finishes it. "Horrible?" "Yeah lol" "Hey Tae Tae!!!!" I turn around and see Ji... 

"Come on. Let's go!" Jungkook grabs my wrist and runs off. "Wh-What?? Why did you do that?" "As your best friend, I don't want you to be sad..." "Thanks Jungkook." "No problem. Of course that's what friends are for!" 

Ji's POV

It's been a few days since me and Tae talked... I'm still confused, what did he mean?? And every time I try to talk to him... he keeps ignoring me or running off. Please Tae, come back I miss you, why won't you just... Stay with me? Does he hate me?

Tae's POV

Ji, I'm so sorry but I love you dearly
And I know how much you love Jimin so I won't get in the way
I swear and I promise I want to talk to you, but I just can't
I don't want to ruin our friendship because of all this

I just wish you could stay with me tho


Like my Taekook moment?
Jk, it's not going to be a Taekook fan fic lolol
Bye, hoped you liked this chapter of Shattered Hearts

:wink wonk:

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