Chapter 5: The Fate of the Hostages

Start from the beginning

"What about the pendant?"

"Nothing, Commander."

"I see." Footsteps sounded over the dead leaves, and one of the snowy white figures emerged from the group, coming to stand in front of the villagers. "People of Rivertown," he said, "bring forth your leader."

Benthevin shuffled forward through the crowd as the soldiers took a step back to make room for him to pass.

"Leader," said the Colorless commander, "we have questions for you."

The mayor crossed his arms, glaring defiantly up at the figure. "Questions? Ask away," he said. "But I hope you don't expect me to answer them, bunch of kidnappers that you are, barging in and dragging us all off like cattle in the middle of the day." He huffed. "If you want us to answer your questions, ask them with dignity!"

"We will give you dignity," said the commander, unimpressed, "if you give us our answers."

"Oh, indeed! And what about manners, what about—"

Abruptly he fell silent, gasping and coughing and clutching at his throat. "You, too, should mind your manners," said the commander, "for we are more than you, and stronger. Answer us, or we shall make an example of you."

Benthevin said nothing. He only glared, but now he looked much more frightened.

"Namely," the commander went on, "we are looking for a certain boy who escaped from our realm."

Maithea held her breath. At once Edmian's face appeared in her mind.

Don't say anything! she wanted to shout, though she did not know why. The number of Colorless soldiers who had seemingly come for him was suspicious to her. What they wanted from him she could not imagine, but their array and behavior was enough to assume the worst.

She wondered if Jolette was with him. They were always together these days. Had they seen the soldiers? Had they escaped? And if they had, what would they do now?

"People of Rivertown," the commander said again when Benthevin remained silent. "Have you seen that boy? Is it true that, as we heard, he has been hosted among you?"

"It's true that he was," said a voice from the crowd. Forward stepped Fayabel, wife of the miller, of old Maithea's friend. "But he isn't here. We don't know where he went."

The commander walked around the group, back and forth, his eyes unmoving but all-seeing. "Is that true?" he asked, his voice as blank as ever, and yet the shiver of a threat ran down the villagers' spines. "Not a single one of you knows?"

Only a footstep away Maithea noticed Liara, Jolette's best friend. Her eyes were locked on the ground, her fists balled up at her sides, her lips pressed together into an anxious line. She took a deep breath. Then she shook her head.

"Very well." With a mechanical movement the commander turned away and addressed his soldiers. "We change to plan two. Keep them until he is found."

~ ~ ~

"Dammit! Where are we going?" Nellary's voice rang out from directly behind, and Maithea slowed her steps to let her catch up. "What's happening? May, have you seen Jo?"

Maithea shook her head, hurriedly taking her hand to avoid being separated again. "I don't know," she said. "Maybe she's still out there. She and Edmian both..."

"These monsters." Nellary cursed under her breath. "They can't just drag us away from our daughter like that!"

Maithea nodded, staring into the distance. On and on the Colorless were chasing them, herding them like sheep between their swords and spears and axes, closer and closer to the looming mountains. They could barely keep up with their pace. Ever and anon someone stumbled and fell, and the soldiers would pick them up and carry them for awhile before letting them back down and rushing them all the more. Maithea had spent the entire walk trying to get through to her wife, and from the looks of it, Nellary had done the same.

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