Chapter 9: The Visitation

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You guys are just amazing. I never thought I would even get to 50 by the end of the summer, and right now I'm crying. No joke. God I love you all.

You all are the best, and I want to wish you all, if you are in school, a good school year. Thank you all so much.

So yea. I also have at least one teacher that's a whovian! *does a little jig*

And I got a few of my friends into the mystical worlds of Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock!!

*squeals and fangirls in a circle*

^^And there's my life story for you^^

The chapters from now on are going to be shorter than normal though because right now I only have time to write during lunch.

BUT THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try my best to update much more, but I am not sure if I will be able to. If I haven't been updating, feel free to yell at me in my messages or in the comments.

And last but not least,

I love you all dearly,


When Clara and I were done at the salon, we waved a friendly goodbye and made our way back to the men. They were still hard at work at Torchwood, and it seemed like they were getting close.

"Clara! Lily! Look!" The men had found a way to make a small tear between the dimensions, and were now fooling around. (Don't be dirty WINK WONK ;) )

Jack was standing, only his head visible to our dimension. The rest o him was just... Gone. It was quite funny, actually. I began to laugh, and Clara followed close behind in giggles. Mat ran over to me, and I crouched down to give him a hug. I heard a shutter, and realized that The Doctor had taken a picture.

We did a bunch of funny things that day in that room, taking multiple photographs and enjoying each other's company. By the end of the day, we had about 12. 12 photos.

Some time later...

"Alright now, Lily, are you ready to go visit your mother and father?" I nodded. "Sure am, ︎Doctor."

The Doctor nodded and we all put on some necessary equipment to travel into the other universe. Then, one by one, we stepped over, when all of a sudden, someone gasped.

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