Chapter 6: Brain Signals, a Stethoscope, and Answers to My Questions

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Okay, so I am having some writers block still as I am finishing up the school year. :( I actually am starting to like my school (idk why). Anyways, leave a comment on any new characters you want to be in the story. Also, if anyone is confused, the doctor that is currently present in this story right now is 11. Love you all!!!



"What is it Lily?"

"What's wrong with me?"

He sighed deeply, then motioned for me to sit down on a nearby bench. "Lilyanna Amelia Tyler, I have just uncovered a deep secret that I didn't even know about." I looked at him pleadingly, asking with my eyes for more.

"Lily, you are a Time Lord."


I stared at the Doctor, confused. I mean, what the heck was a Time Lord?! I was a normal human being! Well, not exactly normal, as I had just found out I had been living in a life full of lies, but you get my point.

"How do you have proof, Doctor?" He handed the stethoscope to me and I put it on. As I did, he pushed the end of it against the left side of my body. I heard a heartbeat. Then the right side, where I heard another heartbeat.

I gasped, realizing why Clara never took me to a pediatrician. Why she always kept that weird, chain-watch in her purse. It all came rushing back to me.

What happened when I opened the watch.

What happened when my mother put my memories inside of the watch.

Why she gave me away.


I knew where Rose was living now. I could find her, and defeat whatever was threatening her that year. I looked at the Doctor, and he nodded while sending me brain signals of what to do next. 'It's time for you to meet an old companion of mine,' he sent.

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