Chapter 4: There's Always Something New To Learn

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Hi there my lovely readers!!! So the chapter after this is going to be a little bit different, as Lily is going to begin writing in her journal again. I also need some good ideas for following chapters, so don't forget to comment and vote! Sorry about the long break from the stories, I had some writers block. I am hoping that I can finish this story on a cliffhanger, then post a few sequels, but I'll have to see where the story takes me!! Thanks for reading!!!


**third-person POV**

She was standing on a beach. All alone. Her heart was crushed. She couldn't believe she would never see him again. What was she going to do? It was practically impossible to make it back to the real world. She needed to take care of her mum, dad, friends, and... the baby. What would she tell him? Suddenly, her prayers were answered. His face appeared. His body appeared.

She wanted to run to him, to hug him so hard that she would feel like she was stuck to him forever and a day. She wanted to kiss him so hard that she forgot about everything else in the world. Maybe she could. But maybe not. She turned to look at him, and he spoke to her, but she didn't hear him at first. she came to her senses, and she bursted out the news of her mother's child. He thought it was hers. Silly Doctor! Always the one to ask questions!

She told him the truth. That she would find a way to get back. He said it was impossible, but she knew she could. She would. No matter what, she just wanted the man she loved back in her life. She said she loved him, and he was silent. He then began to speak. "Well," he said, "If this is my last chance to say it, Rose Tyler I..."


He disappeared.

She cried for days on end.

She didn't eat.

She only laid in bed.

She cried

And cried

And cried some more,

And wondered if her Doctor's life was already not a bore.

Her family comforted her

And held her tight.

Even when she hated them,

They were extremely right.

She needed to start over,

Get a new job, a new life

But the thing was,

She didn't want to let him out of her sight.

She made it through,

Just one last time

And made it so that

Her kids could have a good life.

'He wouldn't want them' she thought

'He'd become soft and slow'.

As she looked at the brown-haired boy in his tweed jacket,

And the ginger girl with a bow.

She took them to a family

That would keep them well

And in the process

Her heart began to swell.

Just like when he disappeared,

She cried again

And she told them

This wasn't the end.

*end of poem*

**end of flashback**

***first-person POV***

•the next morning•

I looked at who, for all this years, I thought was my mum, waiting of an explanation. The impossible wolf? Who calls their kid, or step-kid for that matter, the impossible wolf? "Well?" I said to her.

"Well," she responded with a sigh, like he was keeping even more secrets, "It's time that you and Matt met your real family.

"So Matt is really my brother?"

"Did you think he wasn't?"

"Well, yea because he's a brunette while I'm a ginger."

"Bloody TARDIS, your father is going to love you."

"Why? And what's a TARDIS?"

"It will all make sense when you see his face for the first time." Mu- no Clara smiled bigger than ever before. I smiled back at her.

Yay!!! Happy ending to the chapter!!! I will try to post chapters this week instead of just one so keep your fingers crossed, comment, vote, and hope for the best! I will also begin giving shoutouts to the first commenter of each chapter so make sure to comment!

QOTC (question of the chapter): what is your favorite ship(out of all of your fandoms. if not from the DW fandom, comment the ship and show name)?

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