#16.5 - I'm Sorry

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Chapter 24: The Broken Sky's Greed.

{If you are easily triggered, please read with caution or skip this chapter entirely. This chapter involves the subject of death. PLEASE, I REPEAT, PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION. I apologize for the topic of this chapter. Please read with caution.}


"...Tea sounds nice.." A voice mumbled dreamily. "I'll make some then.."

Tsuna stood up and went to the kitchen. He opened some cupboards to grab all the materials he needed. A cup, a teapot and kettle. He also grabbed the tea. Placing them at the kitchen he began the process of making Japanese tea.

He boiled cold water, warmed the cup for a few minutes, taking a tablespoon of tea and placed it in the teapot.

Suddenly, he heard someone knock the door. Who could it be? At this hour?

Tsuna made his way to the front door and looked through the peephole. He smiled at the sight. He pulled away and opened the door.

"Good timing you two.." Tsuna said, smiling at the two guests, who smiled back. "I was just making tea. Come in."

The two guests accepted the offer gratefully, as they entered the Sawada household. They could already smell the aroma of the tea.

Tsuna went back to the kitchen, taking care of the tea. He grabbed two more cups and warmed them like he did with the other one, adding more tea to the teapot and waited. Once the cups were warmed. He took the teapot's lid off and pours the hot water from the cup into the teapot.

After a while, the tea was ready.

Tsuna made his way to the living room. He sat down and distributed the tea to his guests.

"Since you're both here at this hour and so..sudden." Tsuna began, sipping his tea. "It must be really important, huh?"

The two guests exchanged looks of worry and nodded at Tsuna.

"I see..."

"Um...Tsuna-kun..Remember when I told you..about Byakuran-san?" Shoichi asked, staring at the tea.


"He...He gave this weird loyalty test and..."


"He..He asked me..to kill you."

Tsuna froze, looking at Shoichi in shock.

"Of course I wouldn't do that!" Shoichi said, hitting himself.

"S-Shoichi-kun!" Tsuna and Enma said in unison, Enma grabbing his fist.

"No, I can't kill you Tsuna! I could never do that!" Shoichi said, "Let's just forget this ever happened, okay? I'll leave Gesso, I'll run away if I have to-"

"But what about you?" Enma asked, "He'll-"

"I don't care, let him at me."

"When? When does he want me killed?"

"I'm not-"

"Tell me."


"Shoichi-kun..." Tsuna called, "If you don't kill me, then he will continue to hurt everyone we love."

"T-Tsuna-kun!? What are you saying?!"

"That's what he always does, right?" Tsuna said, staring at his tea, "If he doesn't get what he wants, he will do whatever he can to get it. Even if it means hurting others..."

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