My father was strong.. strong enough to be Alpha but he never wanted the position. The night of the attack when they died, I was sure it was all a lie. Dad would have never let mom be killed.. he wouldn't have gone down so easily. How could not one but both of them be dead? My mother wasn't some weakling either, oh no. She was one of the head warriors, to say she was an amazing fighter was putting it lightly. Hell she was the only trainer for the female warriors as well as the first years. No one alive knows what really happened that night.. My parents were found laying together, their hands interlocked with their foreheads together. They died in each others arms which was comforting to know they didn't die alone but to lose both of them the same night was devastating to me as well as my pack.

As the warm water washed away the soap it washed away my memories along with it. Taking a deep breath I shoved them away as I massaged the shampoo it into my hair before rising the suds out. My mind wondered again once I had rubbed the conditioner into my hair. Going over my memories of the last few days, meeting Dom, the fights between him and John before him bringing me here. Sadness filled me again as I thought of everyone back home, I still didn't know if everyone was okay since Dominic hauled me away before I could find out. A smile broke out on my face as I remembered meeting Jack-Jack, the love I already felt for the small boy amazed even myself. In such a short period of time that little boy had wormed his way deep inside my heart and I knew he would be there always.

After a long time just being lost in my thoughts I finally rinsed the conditioner from my hair but continued to stand there under the soothing stream from the shower heads. This bathroom was like heaven and I never wanted to leave. I finally turned the water off as my fingers resembled prunes rather than something belonging to a person. Wrapping a large fluffy grey towel around my body I walked back over to the mirror and admired the mark on my neck once again. A sad smile was on my lips as I unlocked and opened the bathroom door. Knowing no one was allowed up on this floor I left Dominic's room and headed for my own for a change of clothes.

Digging through my bag I pulled out a clean set of panties and a bra, a pair of socks along with my usual jeans and baggy tank top. I smiled and silently thanked the moon goddess for having a best friend like Maddie when I finally found my hairbrush at the bottom of my bag along with a ball of hair ties and my mousse. Taking everything into my bathroom I quickly dressed before brushing out my still damp hair. Once my hair was free of all the knots and tangles I shook my can of mousse before putting a generous amount in the palm my my hand. Running my fingers through my hair I spread the mousse out evenly to keep my natural wavy hair from becoming a giant frizz ball on top of my head. When I was satisfied with my work I grabbed the wet towel and tossed it into the laundry hamper in the corner of the bathroom before leaving my room.


The smell of bacon, pancakes, eggs and sausage filled my senses as I made my way down the last set of stairs. Breakfast was still being prepared as it was only seven in the morning and most of the pack was still sound asleep in their beds. All heads turned in my direction as I walked into the kitchen. I smiled politely at them while making my way to the coffee. Reaching up I grabbed a mug from the shelves above the row of coffee pots, trying desperately to ignore the feeling of eyes on me. Pouring myself half a cup of coffee I continued to ignore their stares as I went to the fridge looking for creamer. I stood there for a few minutes with the door open as I searched the contents for the creamer I desperately needed.

"It's on the top shelf behind the milk, Luna." A voice said from behind me. I looked over my shoulder, my eyes searching for its owner. A woman who looked to be in her fifties smiled, a real genuine smile before pointing towards the fridge.

"You were looking for the creamer, correct?" She asked. I smiled back her and nodded.

"Yes, thank you." She nodded before turning back to her work.

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