Chapter 34 : A Cures

Start from the beginning

Steel's P.O.V

Steel was curled up close to jake the sun was raising now and Steel opend her eye's to see Jake. Steel smiled almost forgetting all about the curse until she was meet with Anglica's ice glare "....what?....why you glaring at me?" Steel said and Anglica then relaxed "no reason...but we should go now...wake jake up alright" she said and walked outside. Steel glanced at Jake he was still asleep and from the look of it be was having a good dream 'i almost don't want to wake him'
She thouht but she started to pushing him awake "Jake...come on wake up" she say and he finally opened his eye's " morning already?" He said with a tired voice. Steel noded her head "yes...Anglica is waitting on us" she said getting up. Jake got up to and glanced around "hmm....well everything looks the same" he said. Steel glanced at him "what do mean?" Jake just shrugs "well because apparently this forest is cursed but i don't see how....Eh he was just making up nonsense" Jake said as he out where Anglica was. Steel ran up to them "Alright let's go.....before we run into that soul guy....or even Blaze"


The sun was at high point and Steel was in the lead, Anglica was behind her and Jake was in the back. Anglica walk next to Steel "......Hey Steel....what did soul say to you?" Anglica asked Steel was about to answer but then 'wait didn't her and jake hear.....or was it just Jake?'
Steel glanced at her "....he said there was a curse....but i honistly don't believe that" Anglica frowns to that "Steel..... I was thinking about....well what Skylar has been telling you to leave...." Steel eye's her "And just what are you getting at?" Anglica dropped her ears "well maybe she was just trying to keep this course from happen...." Steel the gave a cold glare "So you think I'm the reason?" Anglica narrowed her eye's "well no...but everyone must think that from soul maybe....maybe we shouldn't blame Skylar she could be inisent in all this" Steel rolled her eye's 'i didn't think so....Skylar has been spying on me from the start'
Jake walk up to them "you can think that but believe me Skylar is not so insistent....she's good at toying with pokemon and a great lier she is" Anglica just frowns ".....Alright" she mumbled Anglica stopped "we should take a hunting break....then we'll keep going" She said and walks off Steel watched her 'Theres something bugging her...dame why dose everyone have issue?....huh bit that's not important what i have to find out if there really is a curse'
Jake walked over to steel "Hey you wanna hunt with me?" Steel shock her head "No i need time to myself"
Jake then noded "Alright then" he then walks off to hunt on his own. And Steel heads to go hunt.
She walked around untill she saw a rattat and got low to the ground she moved slowly but before she could jump the rattat twitched it's little ears and ran Steel ran after it but it got away "Son of a-" Steel stopped when she saw a charizard flying towards her. Steel's eye's go small with fear and she turned tail and started to run.
Steel ran towerds where jake and Anglica where hoping that the charizard won't follow her but it did it flyed in front of her Steel slowed down when she relized that there was a Mightyanae, Lyaconroc and umbreon where on it even a little mewistc 'Oh that Arceus it's Matt and Dusty and mocho....and uh i guess liam' Dusty jumpped off and so did the others "Hey thanks for the ride!" Mocho called to the charizard as it fly's away. Dusty glanced at Steel with a goof smile "Steel!" He ran towerds her and Steel smiled to "Dusty....why are you guy's here shouldn't you be at the camp?" Matt walked up to them "we where but them we found out that Liam here told skylar wbere you we got warried" Matt said and Mocho noded after. Jake and Anglica come running with fresh kill in the mouths. Jake drop his when he saw matt and them "hey what the....why are they here Steel?" Jake asked looking puzzled but Anglica shock her head 'that dosen't matt in fact that maybe a good thing because now we don't have walk a nother two days we can....we got bigger problems to do that" Matt looked confused "uh is your problem as bad as ours.....because it might be tje same...Mocho saw a darnkess wash over the hole forest" Matt said and Anglica look shocked but Jake seemed to not care 'wait how can mocho see that?.....psychic? Wait a darkness so the curse real!'
Steel lowers her head feeling uncomfortable "Anglica frowns well we may have heared about it but our problem add on top...Blaze won't listen to us and.....Matt Soul is back" She said the one eye mightyanae had a look of fear and shock "Soul...the ninetales?....but-but he's gone!" Matt said and even mocho looked angery about it "hmm Soul that no good ninetales is the reason for my family's death" she hissed. Anglica frowns "yea and he's back in everfree....." Matt frowns and started to walk around but stopped he glanced at Steel with a raised brow.

Matt's P.O.V

Matt found himself in deep thought but then Steel caught his eye's. He noticed she was wearing a blue scarf 'wait that's the royal scarf!....Blaze gave it to emma and she was baryed with it' Matt glance at Anglica but she was still talking about soul and none of them seemed to notice. Matt glanced at Steel with hope filled in his one good eye 'could it be possible?'
He thought to himself as he stared at her and Steel glanced at him "Matt?....are you alright?" Matt then noded
"Yes....I'm fine"

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