
Começar do início

Yim whispered something to Pete, which made the latter smile and nod with enthusiasm.

"What are you two planning on?"

Ae asked as he moved to give Pete a place to sit. Pete was about to respond when Ae's mom asked a question.

"Pete, how did you meet our Ae?"

Pete was caught off guard with the question.

How is he going to respond?

Are they going to believe him and not think that he is weird if he tells them he just met Ae yesterday?

Still thinking, P'Oh already have a follow up question.

"I was wondering about that too, Ma. How did he meet our Ae? I mean if it was like our Ae before, I wouldn't have wonder much but with our Ae today, it is really curious."

Before Pete could came up with an answer, Ae already answered looking sharply at his brother.

"P'Oh! What are you saying? I'm still the same! And I met Pete in one of our company events in a hotel in Bangkok."

It wasn't a lie, though it wasn't the truth either, Pete thought. But he was more curious on how different Ae was before he met him.

"Really? But you know, Pete, our Ae was much much much more fun before..."


Oh was really enjoying teasing his brother, laughing hard. While Ae was looking really uncomfortable. All Pete can do is smile, noticing how close the family was.

"If I'm still with them, I think we will be just like them"

Ae then noticed a sad look in Pete's eyes even though he was smiling.

"Are you okay, Pete?"

But before Pete could reply, a small hand was tugging his shirt and with brows furrowed cutely and lips pouted.

"Oh yes. Ahhhm, P'Ae. Can you tour me around?"

"I want to go swimming, Ar'Ae! Let's go and bring Ar'Pete!" Yim shouted to his Uncle while still in Pete's arms.

Pete and Yim said two different things almost in unison, looking at Ae with puppy eyes and their sweetest smile. The rest of the family were chuckling because they know already how Ae will respond.

Ae sighed in defeat.

"So this is what the two of you were whispering about?! Okay, let's go."

"Where are we going?" Pete asked excitedly.

"Ar'Ae, Let's go to the Wishing Tree Resort please." N'Yim pleaded.

"You really like it there, don't you my little princess?"

Ae can't really say no to the cuteness of his niece as he hold her cheeks and pinch it lightly.

"But you haven't brought me there for a while now."

Yim was pouting and looked like she recalled something really sad.

"Okay, we will go there so don't be sad."


Yim hugged her uncle while still seated on Pete's lap.

Pete was amused with the exchange of the two. He felt really warm inside, just seeing their closeness. He was enjoying the happiness he could feel inside.

"I'll be preparing N'Yim and her stuff because I think you will be staying there overnight. Come here baby, let's get ready." P'Nat lead the excited kid to their room.

"P'Oh is that okay? That we will be spending overnight there? Ae inquired.

"Your P'Nat already agreed. And besides, you are with Yim. I know she will be safe. And at least, me and your sister can spend time alone." Oh winked to his little brother.

"Don't let P'Nat hear you say that." Ae rolled his eyes while laughing.

"Let's go, Pete. Let's get ready before N'Yim does or else she will not leave us in peace."


Back in Ae's room, Ae found a walking short and light colored sweatshirt and gave them to Pete while preparing his own stuff for the sudden overnight trip.


"Yes?" Ae responded while still busy putting clothes inside his backpack.

"I'm really sorry for intruding your life this weekend."

Pete said in a very apologetic tone, fidgeting on the hem of the sweatshirt that Ae gave him, nervously.

Ae stopped what he was doing and sat beside Pete on the bed.

"Look at me, Pete."

When Pete looked at Ae with those beautiful orbs and soft expression, Ae can't help but be speechless.

"Shit! I think I should not have asked him to look at me. He is really too beautiful for a guy!"

Ae took a deep breath to relax himself.

"Did I make you feel like you have been a burden to me since yesterday?"


"Did you feel, at any point, that my family doesn't want you here?

"No! They are very nice to me." Pete was shaking his head fervently which made Ae chuckled.

"Then don't be sorry. I am happy to have met you. I am glad that we can be friends like this, you know."

Ae was sincere. He knows Pete has a greater impact to him but he doesn't know those unfamiliar emotions, he is not ready to welcome them. But one thing is for sure, he is happy meeting this beatiful creature.

"Thank you, P'Ae. For helping me and being so nice to me."

"You're welcome. So get changed. I think N'Yim is all set up. We will stop by the Central Plaza to buy your things and have lunch." Ae mentioned as he stood up and went back to his preparations.

"P'Ae, you are being too nice to me. I might get used to it and not let you go. I might get all greedy and want you for myself."

Pete thought as he looked at the back of the person that has been really good to him not because he is an actor or he is popular. He is not sure what is Ae to him but maybe for now, he will consider him as an older brother, a family that he haven't had for a while, a special person in his life.

Pete picked up the clothes and went to the bathroom.


Been busy last few days.

I've been wanting to be able to update this, finally I can release a new chapter.

N'Yim is also my cutest little cupid.

Kids can be so sensitive and honest. They can feel what we feel before we can even put our fingers into it. (I'm not to sure if that last sentence even make sense.)

Pieces of MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora