Chapter two : New feelings

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Dae worked quickly and cleaned the tracks the boys chose in a matter of minutes; correcting mistakes they didn't even notice were there, her eyes closed and her hands pressed to her headphones, tapping her feet in a rhythm as precise as a metronome. 

The boys could deal with the direction and pick the sound they liked best while Dae dealt with the small technicalities at a lighting quick pace. In a day, they had recorded enough guitar to be able to call in the rest of the boys to start working on some vocal tracks. 

Dae stretched and her stomach grumbled loudly. They hadn't eaten a thing all day, since they were so absorbed in the music.

''I'm starving too...'' Namjoon conceded. ''Time to go home and eat something.'' he added while looking over at Yoongi.

''I'm not hungry. I'll stay here and work on some piano.'' he said before heading to the recording room. 

RM sighed. ''Do me a favor and don't let him stay too late. He gets grumpy when he doesn't get enough sleep...'' he said to Dae in a joking manner.

''Don't worry! I know musicians, I'll make sure he eats too and I'll kick him out of here before midnight!'' Dae responded with a grin. 

''Your boss wasn't lying when he said you are the best at what you do. Working with you was great... See ya tomorrow!'' RM said before heading out.

Dae ordered some pizza on her cellphone and pressed the record button while Yoongi was playing piano, unbeknownst to him, just so she could listen. She was almost disappointed when the pizza arrived, because she had to take a break from spying on his beautiful music. 

She walked in the recording room and Yoongi tried to ignore her. She opened the pizza box so the aroma would fill the room and she took a huge bite.

''Mmmmh... This shure ish shome good pija...'' she said mouth still full in an attempt to tempt Suga into eating something. He shook his head grumpily, still focused on the piano.

She leaned on the wall in front of him, trying to make him hungry by seeing how much she was enjoying the pizza, but it still failed. Finally, she grabbed a slice and sat on the bench next to him, before putting the tip of the slice in front of his mouth. Not even sparing a look at her he took a bite.

 ''Ah-ha! I won! Come on, I don't want you to pass out. You're much too heavy for me to lift back up...'' she joked.

Yoongi ripped the slice out of her hands. ''You're really not going to leave me alone until I eat? Are you?'' he grumbled. She shook her head with a smile. 

As soon as he had taken a bite Yoongi realized just how hungry he was and he ate his slice in a matter of seconds, before reaching for a second one. When he tried to reach for his third slicee, Dae tried to reach to it too, but he beat her to it at the last second. 

''No fair!'' she exclaimed. ''Too slow.'' he simply said before taking a big bite. Dae got up with a cute grumpy expression that made Suga smile.

As he went in for a second bite, Dae leaned in over his shoulder and stole a bite on his slice. Her soft cheek brushing against him and the view of her lips so close to his made his heart miss a beat. He brought his hand up to his cheek where she had touched him.

She giggled while chewing and went to grab an acoustic guitar, before playing the chord progression Suga was working on. Suga finished his slice and accompanied her, adding some more colors to the song with his piano. 

He tried his best to look at the keys but once in a while, he had to look up at the blue haired girl that was strumming the guitar, eyes closed and a cute little smile on her lips. He couldn't get enough of looking at her, from her oversized band T-shirt to her old converses to this expression her face turned to when she was enjoying music. 

Suga didn't have a type, but he felt a connection with Dae, a connection unlike anything he ever felt.

The girl stopped strumming abruptly, rubbing her wrist. ''Sorry I'm not used to playing this long... I have to close the studio for the night soon...'' she said in an apologetic tone while looking at the time. Yoongi was shocked time had flown so fast and he got up. ''Sorry I didn't know it was this late...'' he said gathering a couple of music sheet he had left lying around.

 He tried to come up with a way to ask Dae if they could hang out again... or maybe go out somewhere, but the words got stuck in his throat. ''See you tomorrow.'' was all he managed to say before heading out, unable to even look at her. 


// Author's note:

Now that the character's are properly introduced, the fun can really start! 

It was really hard coming up with the type of girl Yoongi might like, since he never really mentioned anything in interviews... Dae is a mix of what I think he might like and what RM said he liked. Hopefully, you'll enjoy getting to know her too! 

Fell free to make suggestions about the story (including telling me if you spot a typo)!

I really look forward to improve my writing with your advice! :D 

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