"Worth my time? Thats funny."

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I asked Ghost326 to give me a random adjective that wasn't super generic (she had no idea what I was doing) and this is the character I based off of it. If you want me to use an adjective to make a character PM me :)
Props to Ghost for dealing with me lmao.

Roman Tate






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Roman purely does not care. He wants to go about his buisness unbothered. If you somehow managed to become his friend,he's laid back but openly talks about his dislike the public. His past lovers hated how he would rather stay in and watch movies instead of going to parties or a bar.
A severe introvert.
Despite that,he's a laid back person,and a great problem solver.
Roman also has a love for fixing things. Watches,cars,clocks anything. And he doesnt even need magic.

Peace and quiet,fixing things,watching movies,popcorn,and playing guitar.

People in general,children,parties,alcohol and drugs.

I guess it depends. His ability to fix things is one.

Large crowds

At some point his severe introverted habits can become a problem.

Roman grew up in a suburban neighborhood,nothing special. He grew up the youngest of three (a sister,and a brother.) There wasnt really a severe tragedy unless you count his goldfish dying when he was twelve. He moved into his own apartment at 18 and is currently studying automotive repair.


He has an amazing singing voice he keeps very private.

Scenario Requirements:
•be over 18

You were attending a college party with a few friends,and whether you wanted to be there or not, you found yourself separated from your friends. You pushed through the crowd of drunken underage college kids,becoming frustrated. In your frenzy,you ran straight into someone,who growled and grabbed your shoulders to steady you. Roman Tate. The known loner on campus.

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