Marshall and Porter's compromise

Start from the beginning

I'm taking an awful lot for granted that she'd even be interested but nonetheless I'm still going for it

“I saw her first, she's mine Porter"

I repeat myself clearly,  he grins and wears a devilish look on his face

“Rock, paper, scissors?” he offers.

what the fuck! are we kids arguing over a toy. He laughs at my frowning face

“How about a compromise? we both have her" I gawk at him, shocked

“You mean the three of us together at the same time?”

he nods at me, we used to do it all the time back in the day but we were selfish young boys then and the girls we double teamed on knew what was happening and were up for that, they had no expectations of receiving pleasure or even giving it, they just wanted to boast that they'd bagged a celebrity. 

I don't think for one moment that Maud looked like the kind of woman who'd be interested in a threesome with two men in their forties,

I mean we've both seen better days but the more I think about it the more turned on to the idea I am

“Ok I'm down with that but she'll never go with it"

I tell Porter my voice sounding urgent, he looks deep in thought as he turns away and peeks behind the curtain

“She's back, if we do it right we've got a good chance, she's into you at least that's why she made a quick exit"

He stands looking down at me waiting for my reply

“ok let's go for it, I'm not touching your dick though man"

We both laugh at my statement!

“Marshall if your fucking balls are on my forehead at any time I'll bite the fuckers off"

we giggle like school boys as Porter glances again out into the room

“She's heading this way, game on bro!”

We fist bump because we're immature assholes and wait patiently until she's close enough to get hold of, there's a slow movement as Porter reaches through the curtains and Maud suddenly appears before us.

She looks bothered by us,  my dick starts throbbing as Porter talks softly to her, she's listening intently to him as I watch on, her lips forming a perfect circle as she realises what we are asking of her, she draws me in closer and I step forward, expressionless to tell her what we want.
I speak quietly with a seductive tone reaching out and playing with her dress, my finger tips grazing her hot skin.

I realise I don't want her to say no, I need Maud more than I first thought my body aches with desire with the need to pleasure her and feel pleasure from her.

The muscles in my thighs tighten in preparation for pounding her sweet pussy and I'm about to lose my mind if she says no to us.

My heart hammers against my rib cage as I silently will her to say yes, I want her to say yes of her own accord with no persuasion from either of us,  I'm hoping she's feeling the same things that we do and she asks so innocently if she has a say in any if this and I tell her she does but it's just a simple yes or no choice.
I'm craving her consent to move forward,  Porter can't take his eyes off her so I know he's thinking the same as me.

I can't wait any longer and my head tells me to make a move to change the indecision I see fleetingly cross her eyes and then she's crushed between Porter and I,  my mouth lusty in its assault on hers. 
Her delicate fingers push against my chest and my mind registers she wants too speak, I pull back allowing her,  but it just comes out in a breathy, sexy yes.
I can't fucking believe our luck as she repeats it again.

My lips move to her neck sucking lightly on the soft skin there, she hums with pleasure and I pull away, I don't want to do this here, we need to get her somewhere private and so regretfully I move away from her beautiful body, keeping my eyes on her and pulling out my phone.

“Sammy bring the car round the back, we’re heading back to the hotel"

I can't  take my eyes off of her I'm afraid she'll come to her senses and make a run for it but instead she stands there in front of us waiting patiently.

Unzipping my hoodie and passing it to her

“Put this on sexy" I ask of her

She does as I tell her and I lean over pulling the hood up over her head and zipping up the jacket, it's huge on her but it has the desired effect, no one will know who she is just in case someone sees us and any cameras at the hotel won't pick her up.

I watch Porters hand claiming her, stroking her ass, she remains close to his side and I smack down the feelings of jealousy that are rising like acid in my throat, I agreed to share so I gotta fucking take his hands on her like a man.
A text alerts me to our cars arrival and taking her hand I lead her out to the waiting car.

Porter gets in the back first, then Maud and I she's between us again, leaning forward in my seat I push a button and the partition raises between us and my driver cloaking the three of us in privacy, the air becoming tense and electrified.

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