Chapter Sixty One : The Merchant

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A/N fun fact, this story was originally titled, "My Bestfriend, The Quarterback" also sorry if this chapter is messy. im not entirely sure where im going with this story anymore but please bare with me! :)

As I sat in my room, I couldn't ignore the lonely feeling that lay in the pit of my stomach. Not even video games would help. It was another Friday without Dakota and I was beginning to worry if he would cancel for the Halloween party. I shouldn't have been but there was a feeling of paranoia each time he canceled plans. I'd remembered the emails from Eva and became a worried mess. I knew in my head that she wanted to screw with us but I couldn't help the way my heart felt.

Maybe I didn't trust Dakota like I thought I had.

On Monday, Dakota phoned to let me know he wouldn't be able to walk to school with me that morning.

"I just don't feel too good." He spoke weakly. I sighed.

"It's fine, just get better, okay?"

"Thanks, Luka." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I hung up with a heavy heart before walking out the door. I had read that some space was good for couples, so perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing.


Each and every class today was a bore and the clock's hands remained at 12:20 for what felt like hours. I should've been paying attention, it was exams soon but I couldn't focus on maths. I could never focus on maths. I had other worries on top of that. I was worrying about worrying and it was driving me mad.

The bell went for lunch and I sighed with relief.

"The play is tomorrow night, guys." Gemma gushed with excitement as she sat down beside me.

"Who's the male lead, again?" Michael asked, I could see the hidden green monster in his eyes.

"Riley." My body tensed at the mention of his name and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

"Guys!" Jane slammed her books on the table, making each of us jump.

"What?" Gemma asked, her eyes wide with shock.

"It's not Eva." She said as took a seat across from me.

"What?" I arched my brow.

"I contacted some.. sources and apparently, Eva hasn't been the one sending the emails. It's someone else." Jane said as she shook her head.

"Who would have pictures of Eva and Dakota? And why would they bother Luka with it?" Michael asked as he arched his brow. We were all equally confused, that was until anger took over.

"I don't care anymore. Let's just focus on school. I'm sick of this crap." I said, surprising myself. I didn't mean to sound so hostile.

"Just be on the look out at least? Okay?" Michael said as he patted my shoulder.

After school, I decided to stop by Dakota's. I knocked on the door, a thermos of chicken noodle soup in my other hand.

No answer.

I knocked again and rang the door bell this time.

Still no answer.

I peaked through the window beside the door but couldn't make out anything inside. Odd. Maybe he was sleeping and couldn't come to the door. I sighed and turned around, descending the steps to his house.

"Don't over think." I repeated to myself. I had to trust to Dakota, I just had to.


It was the night of the play and I put my best effort into my outfit. A white button up and black jeans. It was the best I could do. It was just a play after all, right?

"Sorry I can't go." Dakota said apologetically, pouting his lips as he sat on the edge of my bed.

"It's fine." I said with a shrug.

"Dakota." I said as I sat down beside.

"Yes?" He asked, tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"The emails, Eva isn't the one sending them."

"Then who is?"

"I don't know and I don't care. Because. I trust you, Dakota. I was worried all this time because you kept canceling plans and missing school but I didn't need to be. I trust you, Dakota, entirely." I said as I stared at him. His eyes began to well and for a moment I didn't know what to do. Was it truly that romantic?

"I've been lying to you, Luka." He sobbed into his hands.

"What?" My chest drummed and I felt like I was going to throw up my heart.

"You know, those time I helped my mom?" He looked up at me, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand.

"Yeah?" I couldn't move. I had to hear what he was about to say.

"My father came back." He sighed. Mr.Moreau?

"He's not living with us, the divorce is going to finalized, but he's been trying. We've been taking family therapy. I think it helps him understand." He spoke softly. The weight lifted from my chest and I sighed with relief as I embraced Dakota in my arms.

"It's okay, Dakota." I said as he sniffled in my shoulder.

"I thought you'd be disappointed that I've been talking to him."

"Never." I said as I wiped a tear from his rosy cheek.


"Yes, yes, it was Bassanio; as I think, he was so called." Gemma's voice echoed off the walls of the dark auditorium. I hadn't the slightest clue of what the play was about. It involved a merchant of venice, that was the extent of my knowledge.

I shifted in my seat at the end of the play. I felt as if I had been sitting for hours. Each actor and actress bowed as a red curtain fell in front of them. The crowd clapped and cheered loudly.

I waited in the back room for Gemma, a bouquet of flowers in hand. My mothers idea. I swayed back and forth on my heels and toes.

"Hey, Luka." Riley said as he exited the back room.

"Hi, Riley." I said, looking at my feet.

"Are those for Gemma?" He asked as he pointed at the flowers. I nodded, keeping my mouth shut. I didn't want to speak to him.

"Sorry about before. I was only joking around, you know?" He chuckled.

"That's a pretty bad joke." I muttered, still looking at my feet. He walked beside me, grabbing the flowers from my hands. It was quiet as he stand in front of me. I wondered when he was going to leave. I wanted him to.

But I could see his feet as they moved closer to mine and before I knew he had me pressed against the wall, gripping my wrist.

"What the hell are you doing?" I glared at him.

"Aren't I better than him? What's the difference between me and him?" He demanded.

"Everything." I said as I ripped away from his grip. I ran down the hall, dropping the flowers in the process. But I kept running, I didn't want to stop.

"You think he'll stay loyal to you? You're wrong." He yelled down the hall.

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