"How can you know?" I ask.

"When Jelly was little, he tried it," he says.

"Yeah, when he was 5. He's almost 17 now," I say, "Plus if you're so sure that I'm able to have babies, then he needs to learn it anyways," I say.

They chuckle at me. "What if you won't stay together though?" dad asks us kinda sadly.

I shrug my shoulders, "All the family reunions will be incredibly uncomftorable," I say seriously.

We all laugh a little, "You're an idiot," Jug says.

"That's why you love me," I say and look up at him.

He sighs, "I'm unable not to," he says and kisses my lips for a second.

"Okay, I get it. You won't break up," dad says and we both nod.

"Yup," Jug says.

"100%," I say.

Dad chuckles and rolls his eyes.

*Time pass, 3h*

"Hey, you need to go to sleep," Jug whispers to me.

"Come with me," I say and open my eyes to look at him.

He sighs, "Baby, I'm fine in here," he says.

"Jug, she's 2. We have a huge bed," I say.

He raises his eyebrows, "I only sleep in," he starts.

"In your boxers, I know," I say, "But again.. She's 2. She's my little sister not some strange kid," I say.

He sighs, "You sure?" he asks.

"Yess..." I say and roll my eyes.

"You're half asleep and you still roll your eyes like a pro," dad smirks.

I chuckle a little and Jug helps me to sit up. "Night," we say to dad and he says it back.

We go upstairs, into our room. "Christams lights.. Interesting," Jug smirks.

I smile, "Yeah.. She's afraid of the dark, so I thought that maybe she'll wake up when I'm downstairs and get scared or something," I say.

He kisses my forehead, "You're so good with babies," he sighs.

I smile a little and we both climb under the duvet from different sides of the bed, so that Sophie stays in the middle of us.

As soon as we're under the sheets, Sophie shifts a little and moves herself against Jug.

I smile and move close to them. I kiss Juggie's lips for a few seconds and he puts his arms around the both of us.

I smile, closing my eyes, "Night," I say and he kisses my forehead, "Night," he whispers.

*Time pass*

I hear Sophie giggling.

"Shh. Betty's sleeping," I hear Jug whisper with a smiley voice.

But Sophie starts giggling even more. I smile and open my eyes. Jug is blowing rasperries on her tummy and then kissing all over it, as he's holding her in the air.

I chuckle quietly and keep watching them. Soon, I laugh a little too loudly and Jug looks at me while kissing her tummy.

"Morning," I smile.

He sighs with a smirk, "How much of that did you see?" he asks.

"Enough to know that you love babies," I say and kiss his cheek.

He chuckles and puts Sophie between us. I kiss her hair.

"Good morning," she says to me with a big smile.

"Morning," I chuckle and kiss her nose.

She crawls up to my pillow and then puts her hands on my cheek. I smile and she kisses my mouth.

I chuckle at the cuteness and pull her on top of me, moving against Jug now. He puts his arm around my neck and I rest my head on it and kiss Sophie's hair.

"How long have you been up?" I ask her.

"I don't know," she giggles.

I chuckle a little and so does Jug, "About 15 minutes," he says and I nod. We kiss for a second and then look back at Sophie.

"Am I the only one hungry?" Jug sighs.

"Soph, you hungry?" I ask.

"Yeah," she says with a big smile and eyes.

We both chuckle, "Great, so am I," I say and we get out from the bed.

"Have you changed her already?" I ask Jug.

He sighs and I smirk and take his hand into mine as he's carrying her. We go into her room and I take the changing mat and put it on the ground. Jug places her on it and starts asking questions what make me laugh.

*Time pass, 5 minutes*

"It's about a 6th time I do it alone and I've improved by 10 minutes," I smirk.

Jug laughs and kisses my hair, "Great job," he says.

"Okay, let's go and eat something," I say and Sophie already runs out of the room.

We both chuckle and I kiss Jug's lips for a few seconds and then give him my hand and pull him up from the ground.

"She is adorable," he says.

"I know," I smile and he kisses my cheek.

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