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I make my way home, run upstairs and get changed

I grab my surfboard and I chuck on a hoodie and make my way down to the beach

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I grab my surfboard and I chuck on a hoodie and make my way down to the beach. I really just need some salt water air. I run straight to the ocean but before I go in a take my hoodie off and chuck it down near some bushes. It's been so long. I run towards the ocean, it's my therapy. I make my way deeper, past where the waves were breaking and I just sit on my board I watch for a while. Just thinking. Finally tears start steaming down my face. I love Ruel. How could he do that to me?? I finally compose myself and start surfing.

I make my way back to my house. I can see Ruel and Levi making there way to the front door so to avoid them I sneak on the back door. When I'm inside I hear two light knocks on the door. I just ignore them. I'm the only one home so. Half an hour later they're still outside my door knocking. My phones blowing up too, on insta and messages from both Ruel and Levi. I just ignored them. It's been an hour now. I haven't heard any knocks since about twenty minutes ago. Suddenly I hear the door open.

Mum- hey honey I'm home
Sister- hey y/n

I make my way downstairs until I'm stood in the last step and spot the two people I've been avoiding stand right at the front door, let in by my mum and sister.

Levi- hey y/n before you run back upstairs, let him explain

Ruel looked directly into my eyes, pleading.

Y/n- you have 2 minutes
Ruel- deal

We go back outside the front door and sit on the balcony.

Y/n- go for it
Ruel- I'm sorry y/n. Gabriella and I were taking she said something like it's a bummer she wasn't my Gabriella anymore and then she kissed me. I was so shocked that I didn't move but as soon as I realised what happened I was furious and put her back in her place. I promise. Y/n I'm sorry for not pulling away quick enough. I love you y/n and I hope you can see that.

I was shocked myself. I wanted to believe him but I didn't know how to. I loved Ruel and I needed to trust him.

Y/n- I believe you

Ruel cracked and smile which made me smile.

Y/n- I love you too Ruel
Ruel- fuck I thought I lost you
Y/n- never

We came closer together and our lips slowly touched making me feel instant warmth and as soon as we kissed it started to rain. We both looked up and laughed then hugged one another. I was happy to be back into his loving arms.

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