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The teacher has taken the night to think about switching roles again. I just hope she lets me get it back but I don't want to get my hopes up.

We were all called in early for the teacher to share the results. Ruel picked Levi and I up. I sat in the front seat of his car, his hand gripped protectively over my thigh trying to some what calm me. We got to school and made our way to the theatre. We took our seats and waited for the teacher to announce herself. 5 minutes later she walks in, coffee in hand. Instead of going to the stage she pulls Gabriella aside. They spoke for no longer than 2 minutes then Gabriella let out a huff and stormed out. At this moment I knew what was happening. After the door slammed behind Gabriella the teacher walked up on the stage.

Teacher- can we please put our hands together for y/n our new Gabriella

The smile couldn't be wiped off my face. I was so happy.

Ruel- I knew you could do it, great job beautiful
Levi- fuck yea
Y/n- thank you, I couldn't of done it without both of you

The day continued and we rehearsed until the afternoon. Then Ruel dropped Levi home and came and hung out with me for a little. We did our homework together and chilled. He then had to go home but not without a bit of a struggle with me clinging onto him.

A/n - sorry it's only short

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