chapter seven: double dates and jealousy

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From: Harry

Ha ha yes thats alright. Lou will be excited to hear this

I looked up from my phone at Mary. "Ok, your date is set up with Louis." She squealed and jumped up to hug me. She instantly crushed me in her arms and screamed, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" I looked at her. "Okay your welcome not get off of me." I playfully pushed her off me and we both laughed.

To: Harry

pick us up at my house at 6. see ya then styles :)

From: Harry

cant wait till then ;)


"What am I going to wear?" I said standing in front of my closet. Mary was already dressed and decided to do her make up at my house. "Wear those pink skinny jeans with the white blouse." Mary called from the bathroom. I thought about it for a minute then decided that she had the better sense of style. I grabbed the clothes she suggested and put them on.

The white blouse was strapless and ruffled into three layers. The pink skinny jeans went well with my white floral sandals, so thats what i wore. I walked into the bathroom to do my make up before the boys get here.

Thirty minutes went by quickly and there was a knock at the door. Surprisingly the knock came from my bedroom door and not the front door. With all curiosity I asked, "Who is it?" My mother was at work, so it couldnt have been her. The door slowly crept open and two boys walked into my room.

Mary and I gave them puzzled looks. "How did you get in here?" Harry raised his eyebrows. "I was your best friend for years. I know where you hide the key to the front door." Louis chuckled beside him. "I could have been in my underwear for all you know."

I narrowed my eyes at him and he just smirked. "Nothing I havent seen before." He winked at me and Mary and Louis were having fits of laughter. He's still the same cheeky boy he was two years ago. "Shut up and get in the car." Mary and I grabbed our phones and followed the boys to the car.

Harry was driving and I was in the passenger seat. Mary and Louis were in the backseats chatting.

It wasnt long before we arrived at the carnival. I was bouncing in my seat with excitement. As soon as the car came to a stop I got out and quickly walked to the entrance, leaving everyone to follow behind me. Harry quickly caught up to me and we walked to the nearest booth. Mary and Louis separated from us and went on their own.

We sat down at the booth and waited for the game to begin. This was the game where you have to shoot the water at the target and the first one to the goal won a prize. Harry and I were the only ones at the booth so I was bound to win. He never was very good at this game. The bell rung signalling the game has started and I began shooting as did Harry.

We played for a minuter then a siren went off that meant the game was over and somebody had won. I looked up to see that Harrys side was lit up, so he won. "Pick a stuffed animal sir." The booth owner said to Harry. He looked over at me then back at the prizes. "I'll have the giraffe." The man grabbed the giraffe and handed it to Harry. We stood up and started to walk away. "Here, I won it for you." Harry held it out towards me. I gladly took the offer. "Really? Thanks Harry." Giraffes were my all time favorite animal. We smiled at each other and walked to another booth.

*Liam's POV*

Harry and Louis left for their dates ten minutes ago. My thoughts kept going back to the picture of Harry and Emma kissing. How could she? I thought we had something special. I guess not. Niall walked in with Zayn from the kitchen. "Where did Harry and Louis go?" Zayn asked with a bag of crisps in his hand. "They went to the carnival with Mary and Emma."

Niall ran up to me and got down on his knees. "I want to go! Can you take us there? Please Liam!" Zayn then followed. "Yea, can we go? Please Liam! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE," Niall joined in. "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" I couldnt take it anymore. "Okay, fine! I'll take you!" They both cheered and ran out the door. This is going to be a long night.


*Emma's POV*

Its 9, and we have rode every ride. We met up with Mary and Louis at the food court earlier. We were starting to leave when Louis yelled, "I'll race you to the car!" Mary, of course, chased after him. Harry and I stayed behind and laughed at them. I was about to take another step when I tripped on something. I was ready to hit the pavement when something caught me. I looked up to see Harry holding on to me.

"Clumsy much?" Harry asked looking right into my eyes. I giggled and my cheeks began to heat up. I grabbed his shoulders to stand up but he started leaning in. I didnt know what I was doing but I started to lean in too. Harry finally closed the distance between us. The same spark came back from the first time we kissed. Our lips moved in sync, and I was about to deepen the kiss when a loud car horn broke us apart. We looked back to see Louis in the drivers seat laughing at us with Mary. I shook my head at them. "We better get going." I said.

He helped me up and before I turned toward the car, I looked over his shoulder toward the carnival. Somebody was watching us. Had they seen the whole thing? I looked closer at the person's face. Oh no. Why was he here?

Standing at the front entrance with a sad and disappointed look on his face, was none other than Liam.


Well end of chapter 7! what do ya think? sucks for Liam doesnt it? i will try to update soon but no promises. comment some ideas for the next chapter so i dont have horrible writers block again :) next chapter is going to be pretty good (hint: fights and tons of drama)


Emma xx

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