Chapter 2: The Walk

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Another  long day at work had passed. Today, we filmed three sets and that took  almost the entire day. It's almost 11 pm and I've never felt so  exhausted. But on the brighter side, I got a time-off from work which  was a miracle. Usually, one would get three days max but I got a week so  I was more than happy about that and even better, it's paid so I get to  fucking relax for a week while still getting paid.

I  thought of just laying in bed and regenerate for seven days but knowing  myself, I'd end up bored out of my life. Oh, and I just remembered, I  get to finally visit the cat café that I didn't get to go to the last  time. When I got home, there's a box that was laying outside my door. I  don't remember ordering anything though so I was curious.

I  picked it up and found out it was a box of cake with a post it on it.  "For changing the bulbs and cleaning my wound." Ha! It was from Jennie  the next door neighbour. Well look at that, she can be thoughtful too if  she wants to.

I  wonder what she does for a living though she seemed really well off  from the looks of it. I thought about sharing the cake she bought here  but it's late and she was obviously shy about giving this to me in  person just like how she returned my bowl. I decided to put the cake in  the fridge as I was too tired to do anything this time of the day so I  cleaned up and went straight to bed.

As  I woke up the next day, I almost panicked. It was almost noon and I was  late for work.  I almost slapped myself until I realized I was on  vacation starting today. The morning routine gets to you from time to  time and you have to stop for a minute and realize that you aren't going  to work on that day and that's what happened to me exactly.

Well,  I should clean up anyway, I finally would get the chance to visit the  café today and that's for today's agenda. I got up and went to shower. I  didn't even bother eating lunch. I can just do that outside it's  suppose to be nice today. It's autumn and it's exactly my favourite  season. You do not get this in Thailand at all hence, it became my  favourite.

The  café isn't that far from where I live so I decided to walk on the way  and just enjoy the day. For someone that moved here alone with no one,  you'd think you'd get used to it. But that's just not my case. I always  sought for companionship. I liked being around someone weather be it  friends or someone special. I've dated a few times actually but somehow  all of those turned sour after a while.

The  guys that I have dated couldn't keep up with my schedule and demanded  so much from me. Most of them didn't like how sociable I am towards  other people but what do I do? There's a lot of people at work and  obviously, you need to interact and mingle with everyone to stay on the  good side instead of pissing them off. I've learned in this industry, if  you piss people off, or do something they don't like, it could cost you  gigs and projects. Weather you're an artist or from the production  team.

This  is why we never run out of interns. They are all replaceable. I was  lucky enough to land a permanent contract. Anyways, back to the guys I  dated, I don't know if I've ever loved any of them to be honest. Most of  the time, I just didn't want to be alone.  I felt there was something  that's missing and that's probably my lack of affection towards any of  them and that's probably one of the reasons why they leave too. I don't  know, maybe I'm just not that lovable in general.

One  things for sure though, I love animals. They are the best and the most  genuine creatures ever created in this planet. I almost think that one  day, I'm that old lady with twenty cats instead of settling with someone  and start a family. For a sociable person, that's got to be the saddest  shit ever but if I have cats, I think I'll be okay.

Soon  as I entered the café, I can already feel the excitement of seeing  those little fur demons. I know, they can be cute but they're also  fucking assholes I love it. I started filling out the entry form and  ordered myself a cup of mango smoothie and Panini.

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