Chapter 1: Next Door Neighbor

Start from the beginning

"Fuck!  I was hoping to head out early today, I wanted to go to that cat café  that opened a few days ago." I said feeling quite disappointed. I love  cats but I didn't have the luxury to get one due to my line of work. It  would have died if I went ahead and got one and when this cat café  opened nearby, I was so happy about it. That means, I get to see the  cute little fur balls and de-stress from time to time.

But  anyway, let's talk about Mr Kim. He's the CEO of the entertainment  company I work in. He basically micro-manages everything. From his  artists all the way down to the fucking maintenance team. The big boss  and the scary bastard everyone's afraid of. You'd think how people  manage to stay in this company despite his attitude.

Truth  be told, even if he was a shitty boss, the job pays well and the  experience here is truly one of a kind. It's kind of like being here  gives you that pride that you're lucky enough to be handpicked by the  boss alone to be working at one of the best entertainment companies in  the entire country. So people sucked it up and worked hard for  recognition.

I  remembered meeting him for the first time. It was an audition as a  talent for the company. Well, as you can imagine, that did not go well.  He basically told me I do not have enough charisma to be an idol and  maybe I'm better off in production team.

God  knows I took that to heart. I don't know how many days and nights I  cried over that encounter but at that time, I really didn't have an  option. I have no job and I needed one and from there, I decided to grab  the opportunity and got hired as an assistant prod at first and climbed  my way up to lead videographer.

I  got recognition and praise for that and I felt good about it and that's  how I ended up where I am now. Last time I heard, Mr Kim had a daughter  that didn't want anything to do with him. I'm not even surprised at this  point. He's not quite the man you'd love to be your father. I heard he  micro manages and controls her daughter life too. To a point where the  poor girl had enough of it.

No  one really knows much about his family or his daughter. He made sure  they're out of the spotlight to contain rumours about what an awful  father he is just like right now, all of the things I know are all  hearsay or something that didn't happen at all but that didn't stop the  employees from talking about it.

He's  after all the boss that we all have to please every fucking time. I  swear, soon as I find a better job than this one, as much as I love it,  I'd quit in a heartbeat and start over again. It pays the bills though,  so for now like the rest, I've got to suck it up.

It  took about ten hours of re filming instead of the original fourteen  hours that we were projecting earlier and we couldn't be happier. For  safety, Mr Kim got a hold of the film master copy before it gets screwed  again and with that, the production team wrapped up and packed for the  day.

"God,  I'm so exhausted. I can't wait to get home and sleep." Chaeng said and I  couldn't really agree more. I missed my cat café visit today and all I  want to do is pass out and sleep. "See you tomorrow Chaengi! Go get some  rest." I told her as I went on my way and headed home.

Just  as I was about to unlock the door to my apartment, I heard a loud thud  that came from the other unit almost as if someone fell and something  had broke. I immediately knocked on the door to see if there's anything  wrong. "Hey, are you okay in there?" I said as I knocked.

"Jesus,  if you aren't going to open the door just let me know if you're okay in  there." No one answered and I was starting to get frustrated and scared  at the same time what if someone broke in and that's a fucking burglar  hearing me? God Lisa, stop being so nosy and just go back to your  fucking apartment.

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