sal x larry's sister! reader

Start from the beginning

He slammed his door shut, fueled with malice. He wanted to be happy for his sister to be back in town, but she left him in this shitty place--after dad left--by himself! How was she supposed to come back in here after betraying him like that?! After dad left, they made a pact to never leave each other's side, but she had broken his trust. Larry Johnson was not ever going to forgive her for that.

(Y/N) sort of deflated in the seat, Sal noticing. "I'm sorry you see him so worked up Sal. He's probably just mad at me for leaving him and going to France. But while he's in a bad mood, maybe we can go and give him time to simmer down?", (Y/N) asked hopefully.

Sal brightened at this idea, not really wanting his best friend to blow up anymore than he already had. "Sure, what do you have in mind?","Is there a cafe or something around here?"


Sal and (Y/N) actually had quite a bit in common, for one she loved mysteries and horror. Sal found himself talking about various TV shows that dealt with solving murders and things of that nature. (Y/N) was such a pleasant girl, hell, she even liked Sanity's Fall! Well, she was Larry's sister after all. She got a little pastry, munching on that during their walk around.

"So, do you know fluent French?",Sal questioned. "Yes! Since you seem to like it, would you like me to speak French to you Sally?",she teased and nudged him. Currently thankful for his prosthetic, his cheeks heated up. "I mean I wouldn't mind it."

(Y/N) said random phrases, but made them sound flirtatious to Sal. By the words she said, she had to be reciting a love poem into his ear. There was no way the beautiful delicate words could translate to anything else. "Mon pied me démange. Je dois utiliser le pot. Tu as les cheveux bleus et de jolis yeux bleus. Les escargots sont méchants. ( My foot itches. I have to use the potty. You have blue hair and pretty blue eyes. Snails are mean. )"

Sal liked her words, it gave him goosebumps along the back of his neck when she spoke. "What did you say?",he questioned with a light tone. (Y/N) giggled, deciding she wouldn't tell him just yet. "Oh, just saying words of a famous French poet."

(Y/N) entered the apartment with Sal, loud metal coming from behind Larry's door. It was louder and more violent than usual. Sal creaked the door open, Larry surrounded by empty chip bags and a splattered canvas. He was distraught. Sal looked at (Y/N). "You don't wanna go in there right now, he's really mad." (Y/N) put a gentle hand on his arm, smiling at him. "He's my brother, I can handle him."

The teen walked into his room, Larry huffing and trying to ignore his sister. (Y/N) turned off the music, and Larry cursed. "Dumbass, turn the music back on!" (Y/N) huffed, sitting down on the now messy bed and patting the spot beside her. "Like hell I'm gonna sit with you! First you leave me and then you're trying to steal my best friend! He can only be best friends with one Johnson and that's me!"

(Y/N) let him angrily shout at her until he had tired his vocal chords out and sat down on the bed, far from her. "Larry, I know you're mad at me for leaving. I'm so sorry.","No you aren't." His voice cracked softly. His hair had fell down around his face, so she couldn't see if he was crying or not. (Y/N) sighed, scooting closer to her brother. He dared not to move, afraid that he would come undone and be mad at her. He wanted to hate her, but that was his own flesh and blood. He was just so mad at her! How could she leave after that?!

(Y/N) put her arms around her brother comfortingly, his form beginning to shake. "I know that you didn't want me to leave. Larry, I feel bad for leaving you after dad went missing. I just . . . I couldn't stand to be here anymore. Everything reminded me of him and-",her voice cracked as she held Larry. "I just felt unsafe here. The red-eyed man would stand in the corner and watch me sleep. The first chance I had to leave Nocksville, I took it. I wish I could've brought you with me, you and mom out of this hellhole. Larry I love you, you're my family! I didn't mean to hurt you." Salty tears now rolled down her face to match her brother's.

"(Y/N), I'm still mad at you. I don't hate you, but I forgive you. I know you're scared, but when you left things got worse. I'm glad my baby sister wasn't here to see some of the things I witnessed. I just wish you would've not abandoned me like dad." He was sobbing now, clutching onto his sister's stripped shirt. For a few minutes, they sat there, crying and holding each other. Once their sobs turned to sniffling, (Y/N) gave her brother a soft smile. Larry, for the first time since she arrived, smiled back.

"C'mon now, Sal's probably worried about us. We've been in here for hours.",she exaggerated. Larry rolled his puffy red eyes, lightly punching her in the shoulder. (Y/N) punched him back, but a bit harder. He wouldn't let her win even though that punch sort of smarted a bit.

"Don't tell me he's like--you're boyfriend now.",he made a fake gagging noise as he opened the door to see his friend sitting on the couch. (Y/N) gave the Johnson famous smirk, shooting Sal a wink from the door frame.

"Well, not yet at least."

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