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"Don't you boys look sharp," Mr. Howell said. "Hi, I don't believe we've met. I'm Dan's father." He stuck his hand out for me to shake it.
"Hi, I'm Phil. It's very nice to meet you."
"Wow, firm handshake. I like him, Dan."
"I do too," he smiled. "Where's my babe?"
"Right here." His mum picked the carrier up from the floor and handed her over to Dan.
"Oh, I've missed you, pumpkin," Dan cooed as he got her undone.

He set the seat back on the floor and held her up on his waist. He bounced her on his hip as we made polite conversation with his parents. Without even noticing, my parents had made their way into the restaurant. I flagged dad down and hoped that Mum would have enough sense to follow him.

"Hey, guys," I mumbled. "Dad, I'd like you to meet my husband Dan."
"The famous Dan. I've heard a lot about you." I rolled my eyes as dad tried to play up how long we've been together. "So, where's my grand baby?"
"Right here," Dan beamed.
"May I?"
"Of course." Dan passed Vivien off to dad—his face immediately lit up with joy. "She's stunning..."
"Yeah, I think so."

Vivien started starring off into space and eventually locked eyes with me. I shot her a glare, I knew damn well she wouldn't interpret, but she took that as a silly face. She starting making grabby hands for me, but Dan snatched her up before dad was able to notice.

"Sorry, she wanted me," he lied.
"So what are we waiting for?" Mum asked.
"Oh, our table apparently won't be ready for another twenty minutes or so. Why don't you guys get seated at the bar and get acquainted with each other. One of us will get you when it's time," Dan explained.
"Sounds good to me," dad shrugged. "Katherine."

He offered his arm to Mum as they walked to the next room—Dan's parents followed shortly after. Dan and I sat down in the waiting area where he tried keeping Vivien entertained, but it wasn't working out so well. Dan started bouncing her on his knee as I responded to a few messages from work.

"Hey," Dan mumbled. "I have to pee. I know you don't like her, but please just hold her for like two minutes."

I rolled my eyes before motioning him to give her to me. I held her up with my left hand as I continued typing with my right thumb.

Chris: so you did it huh?

Phil: yeah?

Chris: you love him, don't you Phil?

Phil: now, like I said, I'll never love anyone

Chris: never is a long time, Lester.
Chris: was the shag worth it at least?

Phil: oh, so worth it

Vivien liked the light that was coming from my phone, as well as the clicking noises, and began reaching for the device. I tried scooting her further away, but each time she managed to get closer and closer. As I was finishing up my last text, Vivien leaned a little too far.

My eyes widened in a panic as I dropped my phone grabbed the little girl with both hands. I held her up against my chest so her chin was resting on my shoulder—her little arms grabbed my sleeves and held onto them for dear life. I heavily breathed in and out as I looked at all the worried restaurant guests around me. I brushed it off and turned to the oblivious infant resting on me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I whispered, knowing she couldn't respond. "Don't do that okay? Your father would kill me if anything happened to you." I ran my hand over her curly locks and sighed. "I'm glad you're okay..."

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