Head Auror (2#)

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(Achilles isn't Tina's significant in this)

Tina was still recovering from the shock when she had received the news from Madame Piquery herself. Queenie had decided a moment like this needed celebrating.She had gathered up Tina's office mates and some of Queenie's friends for a big congratulations party.Tina just didn't know the twist

"Queenie this is really unnecessary." Tina groaned as her sister fitted her into a black strap dress with some fluffy extra skirt.Her sister frowned as she fiddled with Tina's hair, attempting to make it poofy and bouncy.

"Teenie, becoming head Auror of America is not unnecessary.You worked so hard for this! You at least have to celebrate for your achievements." Queeine persisted.She was trying to put some of her signature lip tint on Tina.

"But the dress and makeup important. I just want to go out there with my pajamas on then this uncomfortable catastrophe!"She cried itching the dangling earrings she was wearing.She didn't even look that pretty.She still looked dull and bland unlike her glamorous sister.

"Teenie don't say that. Anyone can buy a dress, but its the wearer who can make it shine." She said with a grin." Besides I think the person coming will think your gorgeous." She said sweetly and she added a silver pin into Tina's hair.A simple three bead head piece.It completed her outfit.

"Wait, is it Achilles again? Merlin Queeine! You know how obnoxious he is!" Tina said her voice agonizing.She disliked Achilles and so did her sister, she had to know how much she hated him to avoid him everyday.

"Well...Madame President brought him along, all Aurors are invited I can't do anything about it." She said with a grumpy look.She handed Tina the mirror, Tina gasped. She actually looked pretty, and she was so not used to it.

"Tina, dear, you were always pretty." Queenie said with a cheerful giggle as she spun her sister around.

"Congrats, Teenie.You worked so hard for this." Tears swelled up in Queenie's eyes. "You deserve it more than any Auror in the world! I'll make sure to keep Tolliver at bay. Go enjoy your night." Tina nodded as she and Queenie left the humble Goldstein apartment. They walked over to MACUSA and was greeted warmly with welcomes and compliments. They both were lead into a reserved room were the party was held. The music was as loud as possible with aurors on the dance floor. Couples twirling and mingling left a sore pain in Tina's heart, all these people had partners.

"Well if it isn't Ms.Head Auror." A masculine voice echoed in Tina's ear.She turned to be greeted by a very punchable face. Ash blonde, blue eyed, self centered, auror and work partner.

"Achilles..." she slightly growled at the man. He raised his hands in a mocking defense.

"Now, calm down. I just wanted to say kudos to you for finally getting a promotion. I was wondering when you would be up to standard." He announced slyly. Tina felt hurt. All her life she was treated as not good enough. And now it was happening again with this blow hard dolt infront of her. She did not wanted to take it lightly.

"Well, in actuality behind your gigantic ego. I'm actually your superior, now Tolliver. Why not mock another blind chick." She hissed at him. A frown grew on his fake face, to compliment is fake hurt. He shrugged it off and gave Tina one more smug look before leaving her alone at the dance floor filled with people, some she recognized and some she seen only briefly. She felt so squeezed in, in her own party. She walked around before finally reaching the refreshment table, she took a few shots of fire whiskey.

"Attention!" A stern voice yelled. Everyone looked to the middle of the stage of preformers to see President Piquery using her wand as a voice amplifier. Everyone turned to her, including Tina.

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