Pizza and The Hottie

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English class was fine, math was heart palpatations, and history was a heart attack. Liam freaking Dunbar was in each of my classes. Every single one. I wanted to scream in happiness and cry all at the same time. And know It's Lunchy time for muah. My favorite part of the day. I was starving my ass off and if I wanted to get for slices of pizza I couldn't get a soda. But who am I to deny myself the simple pleasure of bread covered in grease, tomatoe sauce and cheese.

Suddenly I saw a figure sit in front of me and I remembered it was this kid who hung out with Liam all the time.

"And you are?" I questioned dragging out the R, with a mouth full of pizza.

"Oh I'm Mason" He replied expectantly

"Okaaaaayyyyy......" I said starting to feel a bit awkward.

"I have all my classes with you......" he said waiting for me to realize my mistake.

"Mmmmmm....No." I said not remebering hime.





"Wood Shop."

I thought back to wood shop know remembering how he made the shittiest clock in the whole entire world.

"Ohh, Mason!" I exclaimed finally remembering him.

"Yeah. I was just wondering if me and my friends could sit here. I mean their aren't any more tables left. Soooo?"

I didn't see the harm in letting him sit with me. He seemed like a pretty nice guy so why the hell not.

"Yeah sure." As soon as the Yeah left my mouth three knew people were sitting at my table and Liam was one of them. I could have fainted right there only if it weren't for my motivational inner monologue.

Garret, Violet and Mason were sat across from Liam and myself. God Dammmmmm this boy smelt so good. Like I would go all succubus on him if i didn't have a moral code.

On my third slice of pizza I started to get thirsty and I noticed that mason had a second bottle of Coke. I really just wanted a sip so I said the first thing that came to my head.

"Hey Tee-Man I have some Soda" he looked up at me with one raised eyebrow.

"Tee-Dog?" I asked further. And he just raised the other eyebrow. The others know went quiet watching me make a fool of myself.

I decided to try one last and final time. I stuck out my hand like an old begger lady and in my best English accent I asked. "Please Sir may I have some beverage?"

Mason along with the rest of them started to laugh. And he handed over the bottle. Soon after lunch was over and I only had two more classes until Lacrosse practice. Liam and I didn't really talk. Scratch that we didn't speak at all but thats so ganna change. For my name Isn't Annabella Chloe Parish!


Thank you for reading. Sorry if there are any mistakes. I'm just trying to catch up to the episodes. But the next Chapter is going to be longer I promise. Don't forget to comment, vote and follow!

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