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-Third Person-

"But first, are your popcorns finished?" Zia asked, and she received a lot of yeah's and yes's which made her sigh.

What can she expect? They're Vikings with a huge stomach. It's a miracle that they even eat popcorns, when they don't even eat it on Berk. Both sisters gave each other a knowing look.

"I'll get it!" Diantha exclaimed excitedly as she snapped her fingers and a sack of corn, a small fire pit and a cauldron full of still cooking popcorns appeared in front beside Hiccup and Toothless.

Hiccup and chuckled and grab a popcorn to eat. Astrid also grab a few and Hiccup fed Toothless one popcorn. But then Toothless crooned at Stormfly when he saw his rider and his rider's mate feeding each other before his eyes saw the sack full of corns before his eyes diverts back to the cauldron full of popcorns. Then an idea has been made.

He put his head on the sack, grabbing as many corns as he can and immediately pulls back. Hiccup noticed this and gave a confuse look at Zia and Diantha who gave each other nervous glances before hiding behind a beanbag.

Soon, Toothless' nose twitched and immediately opened his mouth, and from it burst fort a whole lot of popcorns that filled the whole theatre room. Almost everyone groaned while others laughed and throws some popcorns at each other. Hiccup and Astrid's head appeared through a pool of popcorns before laughing at each other.

Toothless, on the other hand, crooned at Hiccup who threw a few popcorns on his face. Stormfly squawk and ate a mouthful of popcorns.

"And there's that!" Zia exclaimed before giving Toothless a scratch on his chin.

"Now he made a mess." Diantha whined playfully while throwing away a few popcorns on the way.

"Oh, shush you." Diantha pout in return which made Zia roll her eyes and smirked.

"Just think about it as a never ending popcorn." Zia said which made her little sister look at her, deadpan.

Just then, Stoick, Valka and Gobber's head appeared through the pool of popcorns, with Gobber coughing out three popcorns.

"More like a never ending tasteless popcorns." Gobber said that made Valka disagree.

"It's not so bad." She smiled after eating some.

"Oh, hang on." With a snap of Zia's fingers, a few bags of cheese power filled the whole theater that lands on the popcorns, making the simple snack more tasteful.

"Much better." Gobber nods his head before eating one.

"Settle down everyone, the third trailer is about to start."

And with that, Zia press the play button which made the screen start up again.

(First scene shows Chief Hiccup looking upon a growing, lively Berk from the same place his father once stood. Toothless comes up behind him and nuzzle his rider.)

Hiccup: If we don't find this Hidden World...

(Then the scene quickly changes to a new island with Berk's dragons flying towards it)

(Then it quickly shows Valka and Hiccup on their armors, looking at Berk with nothing but fire, ashes and smoke.)

(Then a quick scene to Grimmel's boat being shot by dragons, resulting to weapons blown up to pieces. Then it immediately shows Hiccup standing in front of his people at the Great Hall.)

Hiccup: There won't be any dragons left.

"'Won't be enough dragons left'?" Hiccup repeated with a furrowed eyebrows.

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