It starts with you

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Did you ever imagine what world could be if we have a clean, healthy surroundings?
Look around you, walk to the park, look around you as you go to work, school, market and everywhere. Can you still smile whenever you see plastics, garbage and all? I bet no.

I was around 18 years old when I saw the world screaming for help. Back then I was numb, not caring about this planet I was living for until I have been woken up from the nightmare.

One day I was at the lake with my dad.
"Dad, What will happen to us in the future?" I asked after seeing some plastic bottles floating at the lake.

He looked at me and said "You go and look around you, Imagine how blessed we are to be given a chance to see this. But remember that if we never take good care of it, it will all vanished in just a glimpse of an eye. When you get older, you will see my point. You'll be having your own family, you wanted them to still see the beauty of nature but first start it from yourself. Be an example, try it from simple things like picking up those garbage around you, less using those plastics as possible as you can. It's not yet late dear, that simple thing you will do could help and will mean a lot to this world.

From that day to this moment, It always echoes in my head. We could still save this planet and it always starts with us.

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